And so begins October's Scary Movie-a-Thon

Oct 11, 2007 08:01

If you're not familiar with this annual practice of mine, this is where I join Blockbuster or Netflix on a trial offer, every October. That way I get free, scary movies of my choosing for a couple of weeks. Since my wife and kids do not wish to share this experience with me, I usually sit up every night with the lights out and my dog by my side, drinking a couple of beers and watching some blood curdling shit. Actually, my oldest son would love to watch scary movies with me, but we watched a couple of the Goosebumps shows on Cartoon Network (they're running them every night this month) and they scared the pants offa' him. Plus, man-child that I am, I'm definitely not the type to subject my 5 year old to the gore that awaits me in those flicks.

To their benefit, Netflix (my chosen provider this year) kicks Blockbuster's ass on availability and delivery. They had everything I wanted and, after signing up for the trial Monday night, had delivered my DVDs by Wednesday. I think if I were to actually pay for one of these services, I'd choose them.

So, with the wife at work, the kids in bed and a belly full of pot pie, I started off the Movie-a-thon with Severance

I would have never heard of this movie if it weren't for stumbling across an excellent monster movie called The Host in the library a few weeks ago. Severance was a preview on that DVD and I instantly thought it looked great. Turned out I was right. You can glean the premise from the IMDB link. Let me just say that any horror movie that starts with two beautiful, blonde hookers running from some unknown threat and winding up in a bear pit where they have to resort to using their jackets and bras as a rope to get out of the trap is alright by me. The movie was full of some good suspense and subtle humor, similar to Shaun of the Dead (but not as funny). The film was made even better by listening to the commentary. The director and actors are hillarious and they had me laughing my ass off when they described certain scenes. The movie also featured super cutie Laura Harris...

...who I recognized as Daisy Adaire from Dead Like Me. Of course, she kinda' get's a little beat up, but she's still a cutie under all that blood.

All in all, it was a great flick to kick this thing off with.

I had some extra time to kill last night and I was in the groove, so I grabbed another movie and watched it.

I only wish 28 Weeks Later was as cool as the movie poster. I mean, it did have the whole post-apocolyptic feel to it, but it was full of so much stupid that it made my head hurt after awhile. I know that people tend to make dumb decisions in horror movies to get into the messes they get into. And most horror movies are just one big mess...that's part of the fun I guess. There was some decent action and I did like the vision of England wiped out by plague and the aftermath. I just had a real hard time suspending my disbelief on the whole military operation and the repatriation. But I guess if you compare it to how things are being handled in Iraq, it's not really that far from reality. I just got sick of the words "Code Red" being repeated every 5 seconds and who could have seen that twist at the end? /sarcasm So, I guess we have to wait for 28 years later to find out what happens next.

So that was round one. I have the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre and a movie called Undead wating on deck. I'll post about them and maybe I'll have some early pictures of my 2007 porch creation later.

In the meantime, if you guys have any suggestions for my Movie-a-Thon list, please feel free to share your favorite scary movies with me.


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