why do i always think in the car when the radio is off?

Mar 07, 2007 02:13

if you could tell your high-school-freshman-self 5 things, what would they be?

here are mine.

1. tell andy he's sick.
- for obvious reasons.

2. you're not george. take art, not beginning band.
- you've wanted to be an architect ever since you drew that castle in that medieval whatever class during that summer back in like fifth grade. remember that? yea, you do, because i still do. beginning band does not help you reach that goal. stop trying to be george and be an individual. beginning band will be the biggest waste of time in your high school career. you will learn how to play the french horn and then forget how to do it the next year. don't be afraid of art because of mr. beemon saying at orientation that there's alot of homework. do it anyway.

3. don't fuck around in school. elder is easy, get a's.
- you're really smart. and this isn't just a confidence booster from me to me, its fo-real. just study and get a's so that you can get into DAAP, because that's what you'll want to do. also, you don't want to take summer school for algebra 2 because that really sucked, even though there was a girl with giant boobies.

4. save money and build credit.
- you will work every summer at saint william, and you'll have a few other odd jobs here and there, but you will have nothing to show for it because you buy a ton of stupid little things. LISTEN to grandpa when he says to save half of your money. or listen to me and try to save it all. you're going to want a jeep, a nice tv, a cool apartment and everything. save your goddamned money. fast food sucks anyway. (oh and you like chipotle, try a chicken burrito with the mild salsa.) also, get a credit card, and use it to buy anything you need, but pay it off right away. you need credit to do anything on your own. do it now or else you'll be 19 and still not have any credit.

5. don't watch porn, workout instead.
- well, honestly, sophomore year, you're gonna like naked ladies alot. something about puberty or something. anyway, don't expel all that testosterone just for a few seconds of bliss, instead why don't you put it to good use and get yourself a healthy sexy bod. good plan. being buff is better than being a greasy perv. (not that you're going to be a greasy perv.)

my sixth would be to
is dan going to say this? sober-for-all-of-his-life, never-had-a-drink-except-half-a-can-of-bud-dan going to say this?
drink alcohol in moderation. oh my god that's illegal. underage consumption? holy crap. anyway, don't ever get drunk, but drink a little. maybe this way you won't hate 95% of the college population. learn to accept something that's socially acceptable. but you're still allowed to hate drunks.

ok now tell me yours. but before you do, really really think about it.
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