this is it.

Oct 01, 2006 21:52

hello fans and friends,

this is a livejournal update. i have been up to absolutely nothing, because of that, my bedroom is immaculate, i completed lego star wars 2, and my sleeping schedule is whey owt uv whak.

i am not in school because i owe 6286 dollars to the school that i attend.

i applied for a job at the local applebee's restaurant on good ol' crookshank ave, home of western rollerama, about a month or so ago, and i have just recently become employed there. well still sorta not really. this is a restaurant and i had to go through three interviews? and i still have to go through an orientation and training? this isn't the FBI this is applebee's. i don't know who they think they are. anyway, this job will help get me money, kill time, and make me hate people.

i have been relatively content with my current situation, unfortunately i have nothing to show for the time that i have spent doing nothing. i could have been working out constantly or running or doing ANYTHING really, but i chose to chill instead of taking full advantage of this wonderful oppurtunity. oh well. rafiki said it best 'it doesn't matter, its in the past.' good baboon thing.

my jeep.

my jeep is still broken, it wont even start anymore, and for those of you who dont know, my jeep was fixed at the beginning of summer (which is topless season) but shortly into the season i broke it because i am a dumbass. evidently driving in creeks is not a good idea. especially when followed by a drive home on route 50 (keep in mind this jeep is older than me.) crapola.

so whats looking up for me?

well i think i know what i want to do in college whenever i get there. sorta. except i dont know which program i would have to get into to do what i want to do.

but here it is so help me out.

i want to design houses, and then i want to build them myself (would that be like a double major in architecture and construction management typa thing?) how much work would that be? thats not a question. that would be an assload of work.

ah so what else is going on. i hate the fact that after every summer i have nothing to show for all the money i made, but somehow all the money is gone. i spend all my money on eating fast food. what a waste. why can't i learn to save my money?

we have new neighbors. they like to move in at 4 AM. that's when i go to bed. that wasn't cool of them. or maybe that's not cool of me.

i lost the beard growing contest. i knew that was going to happen since i haven't reached puberty yet, but it was fun. for those of you who have seen me in the past month, you probably didn't even realize that i was growing a beard. well now i don't know what to do with all of it. im not a good facial hair maintainer, i'm thinking its all or nothing.

this is my life at the present time, this is pathetic. how do i move forward to start becoming what i want to be in 20 years?

whoa. i said this.
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