Title: The Plains of Perfection [Junjou Terrorist and Sekaiichi Hatsukoi]
Fandom: Junjou Terrorist and Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
Character/s: Junjou Golden; Yukina and Shinobu
500themesPrompt/s: 28. The world was never meant for one as beautiful as you
A/n: For my Other Half,
thequeen451, because the state of Golden in SDV makes my heart stutter.
The first time Yukina sees the boy with the gray eyes and pretty, sandy, blond hair is when he’s sitting a clear distance across and he’s trying to look for something to light his inspiration ablaze.
Yukina has his sketchpad out, and he keeps changing what he’s trying to draw. His concentration keeps floating elsewhere and he can’t get his thoughts to paint a picture. He sees, from a distance, a group of girls giggling around a boy with gray eyes and blond hair.
He looks indifferent as he stares down at some of them and when one grabs his arm, he doesn’t flinch away.
His face looks interesting, Yukina thinks absently and stares. He looks down at the page filled with crossed out drawings of faces and nature. With papers rustling, he turns to another page to start anew.
Yukina tries to draw that, the indifference that is too present in that face. He starts with the eyes first. He can’t get it right though. He draws and redraws and it’s always a little too big, or a little too small and he wants to get those nice gray eyes right. Yukina looks up, wanting to get a better look, but the boy with the gray eyes and blond hair isn’t there anymore.
He thinks and thinks and tries to draw the pretty gray eyes only from memory.
The second time Yukina sees the boy with the gray eyes is the time he actually gets to meet him.
It’s Valentine’s Day and of course he’s received an insurmountable amount of chocolate. He casually strolls in an empty hallway because he may or may not be avoiding the crowded ones with the potential of girls bombarding him. And when he hears a flurry of footsteps behind him, he rushes into what he thinks is an empty classroom and waits.
The classroom is not empty as he thought it would be. Huddled near the door is the boy with the pretty eyes and blond hair. Yukina stares, maybe just for a bit, and greets him with a smile.
They have a talk and he finds out the boy with the pretty eyes -he should really stop calling him that- is actually Shinobu-kun, who does not have a taste for sweet things. But then Yukina offers him dark chocolate and-
Oh, he has a nice smile, Yukina thinks.
It’s not really smile though, where Shinobu shows his teeth. It’s with a softness in his eyes and a curve of his lips, and Yukina understands that that’s what fondness looks like.
His fingers itch to draw and why now, of all times, does he leave his sketchpad behind.
Shinobu tries to eat his food with a blush as he pretends to not-see Yukina sitting in front of him.
“Ah, such a lovely shade on Shinobu-chan’s face!” Yukina says this with a grin. “If only he’d look up at me.”
And lo and behold, Shinobu does look up, but with a glare. “Stop that,” he says, and it’s really just a pout.
Yukina grins, but knows he’s won this round because Shinobu’s face is tilted towards him.
Yukina bites his lip, erases something, and tries to draw again. But then he does it once more. And again, and again until there are bits that fly about and one lands just on the back of Shinobu’s hand.
“Stop that.”
Instead of saying anything, though, Yukina looks up and stares right at Shinobu’s eyes. He stares and stares and he knows Shinobu’s feeling irked because his eyes widen and they’re always so expressive. He sighs and flips to another page of his sketchpad.
Shinobu raises an eyebrow at him. “I’m sorry if you find my face disappointing.”
Yukina chuckles offhandedly, “Ah, it’s not that at all, Shinobu-kun has a really nice face,” -he doesn’t even bat an eye when another blush settles over Shinobu’s cheeks- “I just can’t get your eyes right.”
“Oh,” Shinobu says, not sure what to make of it. That, and apparently this isn’t the first time Yukina’s tried drawing?
Yukina smiles, looking straight into his eyes again, “Shinobu-kun’s eyes are really too pretty.”
“Wah, Kusama-kun, Yuki-chan’s sketchpad is full eyes now, see?”
“Ahaha, those are really pretty eyes… they look familiar, too.”