Mind the Mental State of Things

Mar 01, 2010 20:18

So February is over, the longest shortest month of the winter season, and it apparently kicked allot of peoples asses. I have heard nothing but people wishing winter to be over, even with the unusual warm weather. I can't say that I blame them, but I don't mind winter (it's the only season I don't sweat in (normally);)) so it makes no difference to me. The other thing I've been hearing allot lately is the mental state people are in, not just the mid-winter blues, I mean actual depression.
This worries me, I love my friends, they are my family. Sometimes we need a friendly ear to listen, and a strong shoulder to lean on. Sometimes that's not enough. What happens when the ear falls deaf, and the shoulder weakens. We all try to help each other any way possible, we wouldn't be friends otherwise. It's what we do. Sometimes friends aren't enough, sometimes "the professionals" need to be called.
As friends, we can only give advice from our own experiences and knowledge. We can't prescribe happiness, we cannot script the future. But we can be honest with each other. Right. That's why we're friends. We will all do our best to support , help, encourage, but if people feel that it's not enough, seek out the right kind of help, pls. I love you, your my friends.

Remembering Tony Monorchio
you fucking bastard
07/14/1978 - 03/02/2006

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