May 18, 2010 13:20
[Private to Bob Fraser] are you doing? I apologize for you having to see me in a speed-o like that. I apologize for cursing, as well. That's just...not me.
I also saw...well, if you want to talk about it, that's fine. I was just a little worried about you, that's all.
Also, do you know how to make a sled or where I could find one? It's for my environment in the CES-it's nothing but snow and dead trees. You're more than welcome to come up with me sometime if your Warden allows it. Er...I don't know if you have a Warden or not, but I'm more than happy to talk to them about it.
[Private to Paddy]
Done and done.
[Private to the Admiral]
Is there any way I could get a television-size does not matter-an..."X-Box"...a copy of the games for it called "Hitman"...? Even though they are where I apparently have come from in many ways, I'd like to research how much other people can possibly know about me. If that's acceptable, that is.
And...a much smaller request. Might I be able to get the tools to build a sled? Thank you.
[Added after talking to Paddy - Private to Malcolm]
You feel up to a drink?
private to : riggamarole,
private to: canadian gypsy boy,
checking up on good ol' bob,
private to : mft,
private to : stop playing me