[NSFW] RP Log with tacticalmind | Baby Making

Apr 26, 2010 14:08

After leaving Mike's room, Leila had ducked to the bathroom and Rob had stepped out onto the back porch of the Austin home. The air was cool and crisp, but not exactly cold. Fine enough for Rob to be standing out there in a short-sleeved button up shirt. He was standing on the back steps, looking up at the stars in the clear Texas sky, a pensive and strangely calm expression on his face considering the tension he had managed to build in the car ride back from Houston. He was such a rollercoaster of emotions these days that he sometimes wondered why the fuck Leila still wanted to put up with him. He could go from fine to a crying mess in the blink of an eye. He could also go from quiet to yelling at her just as quick. It wasn't like it was all the time. He didn't come across as completely screwed in the head... not quite. Just now and again, he had these bursts of emotion he couldn't really control. She just took it all in her stride, though. He just didn't know if he would ever fully understood why she wanted to deal with that in her life. He was just glad she did. Now, he wasn't sure he could live without her. In fact, he was certain he couldn't. He wouldn't have lived through the tragedy in Afghanistan and survived out there as long as he did without drawing on her for strength, even if it was just memories of her.

His thumbs were hooked into the pockets of his jeans as he just continued to take in the view of the starry sky. He was lucky to be alive, and he knew that every minute his heart kept beating. Everything with Mike had really sliced open some wounds for Rob, and he was dealing the best he could. He was still a little fragile from the fact he had literally broken down in uncontrollable sobbing when he had seen his folks in Little Rock. It had taken a good hour and a half for him to try and pull his compsure back, and he looked like he was half drunk, half hungover and a tiny bit stoned by the time the crying stopped. His Dad gave him a beer and one of his Mom's homebaked brownies, and things seemed a little better after that. Then it had been on to Lakewood, Texas to be there when Mike got flown in after his surgery. It had just been an emotional week and this was the first time Rob had let himself stop and just feel that serene solitude of fresh air, clear skys, and being alive on home soil.

Leila slipped out onto the back porch, her arms once again around Rob as she slid her hands up under his shirt, her fingers exploring the dips and curves of his abdomen. Rob still had a pretty amazing six pack, and she couldn't deny she loved touching it. She kissed the back of his neck before she rest her chin on his shoulder as she glanced up at the night sky herself. "This really is one thing I miss in New York. I miss just being able to see the sky, see the stars..." She fell quiet again for a moment as she rubbed his stomach. "I don't know how I ever thought I could do without it. I don't know how anyone does without it."

Rob wrapped his arms around hers, holding them against his stomach. He brushed his fingers along her forearm and nodded slowly. "Yeah, it's... I ain't real sure how I got on so long in New York, darlin'," he admitted to her quietly. "I was wondering if that might've been part of the reason I wasn't just automatically better with the whole PTSD. Felt like I was failing psych sessions or something. Things were starting to get more clarity out on the road, where it's green and fresh. Then Mike and Charlie come home, and my brain turns into a gigantic pile of crap again. I'm just gonna have to apologise in advance to you if I start being a bastard all over again. It's weird. I ain't even realising I'm doing it until I'm stopping and realising, hey, you're talking shit." He reached behind her and rubbed his hand over her hip, leaning his face in close to hers. "Just keep me away from Scotch and Vodka. Still, I... ain't sure I want to stay living in the city," he added softly.

Leila couldn't help it as she hummed contentedly at feeling his hand on her hip. If she had been capable of purring she probably would have been making that noise. Any touch from Luke right now seemed to have her shivering with pleasure. She turned her face to meet his and kissed his lips as she smiled a little. "I know you don't mean it, Little Rock. Probably why I don't really take offence. Trust me though, you push me too far, and I'll yell back. I don't have a problem with that. And I know, I do, trust me. I know now the city's never gonna really be your home. I just want you happy, and I want you healthy. I don't care where we live so long as it's you and me. Mike could always take our place if he wants in the city." She nuzzled in against his cheek. "We don't need to live in the city. I don't need to live in the city. Priorities shift."

"First time Charlie has copped it. She actually looked like she wanted to deck me for a minute there," Rob sniggered and bit down on his lip. "I tried to warn her online now and again but it ain't quite coming off in words than getting hit in the face with it. I actually asked my psych once if it was worth me walking around with a warning sign on my head. That was early on, though. Things ain't as bad now as they were. The trip's been good. I thought it would just make it easier to head back to New York and be okay with that, but I think it's just making me feel more like I want a house, some grass, air... clear, open sky that looks like it could have anything underneath it if you just looked hard enough. Ain't sure Mikey would want it. He wasn't really a fan when he was staying there, he was just sticking around for us." He finally turned around and wrapped his arms around her waist, smiling softly at her in the dim light as he eyes swept over her face, taking in every inch of her features.

Leila found herself grinning under his gaze and reached up to brush her fingers over his cheek. "Hi," she said with a soft laugh. "Maybe he can still come with us? Or do his own thing. Whatever it is he wants to do. She did admirably to avoid decking you. I still can't quite believe we survived that car trip without a little bloodshed. It probably helped in its own strange little way to clear the air a little."

Rob had the decency to actually look sheepish at her comment. "I ain't got the best deep-n-meaningful revelations timing, have I? It's like I get verbal diarrhoea once the brain hits that shaky patch and everything is just pouring out before I can stop it. Next thing I know, I've said some really far out things I didn't even realise I wanted to say or were hovering that close to the surface. I didn't mean to point any fingers at Mikey, I just... he isn't quite right. I'm worried he mighta done it deliberately or made a mistake, and just hasn't been ready to offload it yet. I never meant to reveal that to Charlie. I had meant to just sit on it myself and stew on it in my own time, but clearly my brain is like a fucked up sieve..." His tongue came to rest between his lips and after a couple of moments, he led her off the back steps and down into the darkened backyard. The light wasn't on, and there was only the moon for light. It was romantic, in an odd countryish way. They were out of sight of any windows now and he brushed his hands over her back. Of course, that meant he was immediately horny and hard, just from the vision of her and he pulled her closer so they were pressed together. "Hi."

Leila smirked at him as she ruffled his hair in response to his brain comment before she caught his lips in a hungry kiss. The second she'd felt him hard against her it was all on, she couldn't help it. She'd been holding herself back since they'd been in Mike's room, and now she just wanted him. She wanted to make babies. She wanted it all, fucked up sieve brain, or not. "I know you don't mean it," she said breathlessly in between kisses, "I really do. I know you can't always control your reactions, and I'm okay with that. I think Mike will get it, too. And Charlie. You're lucky you have friends that can identify with how you're feeling. And I want to be able to know what it's like, but all I can do is stay by your side and give you anything I can to make it better for you. Fuck, you're hot."

There was a light around the corner from the kitchen, and Rob leaned back to try and survey the back of the house. Any window that could be seen from where he was standing had the blinds drawn. Mike's room was on the other side of the house and his parents were in the living room at the front. Rob had been feeling like a horny school kid since they made the bet, and sometimes it was like he had no control over his cock. Coupled with the fact that when his brain fired up it seemed to want to focus that energy on fucking his wife beyond anything else, he wasn't left thinking many innocent thoughts. When he looked back to her, he had a cheeky smirk on his lips. "Think we could get away with a quickie right here?" he asked her, breathless himself in the wake of the hungry kissing. He was already working on undoing the button on his jeans. "Ain't sure I can be satisfied with a quiet ninja fuck in the guest room tonight... Charlie's gonna be right next door. At least, so Mrs Austin thinks. Ain't sure Mikey told her the news because she made the second room up."

She nodded, her eyes on his lips in the dim light before she was starting to undo her own fly, and silently wishing she'd had the foresight to wear a skirt. It was possible that Leila needed to convert to skirts full time, but she wasn't sure Rob would let her. He really did go crazy for her in jeans. She grabbed at his collar again, the kiss searing and passionate as her free hand finished what he'd started with his fly and she slipped her hand inside. "News?" Leila asked quietly as she frowned a little. "She's staying the night, isn't she? She'd have to. Definitely no ninja fuck tonight. Or maybe we can have one later. Mm... I love your cock."

Rob exhaled sharply when her familiar fingers wrapped around his cock again. He was never, ever going to get sick of feeling that first touch that never failed to send bolts of electricity through every inch of his body. He couldn't deny that he was frustrated when they were both in jeans. It restricted movements and it never lasted very long because of that. With the road trip, it had been a luxury with them. They had either the tent or the car and usually enough privacy to at least get one of them completely out of pants to get the deed done. He had lost count of how many days they had wasted away just lying around the tent naked. But this wasn't a tent or the car, it was Mike's backyard and they needed to employ just a little bit of discretion. Once her fly was open, Rob slipped his hand into her jeans and panties, his fingers already expertly seeking out her clit. He kissed her lips eagerly again and then dipped his head to nuzzle her throat below her ear. "As far as I know. It's 'bout four hours drive to her place. She needs to rest or she'll start getting sick from lack of sleep. Fuck, baby..." he cursed softly with a hiss, pushing his hips forward against her hand. "Let me take you from behind."

"Mm..." Leila had meant to reply to him, but she just moaned instead as her head fell to the side at the feel of his fingers stroking against her clit. He always knew just what to do. Although these days she just had to look at him, or smell him, and it was on. She was like a dog in heat, and she just didn't care. She moaned again as she sucked on his tongue, and stroked her hand along his cock more firmly before pulling back to give him a consenting nod. "I was just thinking about you doing that... Charlie should rest. Lots of rest," she finally added after a moment of just looking at Rob while she licked her lips. "I want your babies," she breathed out.

"I fucking hope so, or we could be in a lotta trouble," Rob drawled in a husky voice against her ear. He had her turned and pushed up against the wall without even needing to remove his hand from between her legs. He was panting softly, his breath coming out in short, aroused bursts against the back of her neck when he swept her hair to the side with his free hand. He probably couldn't be more melted against her if he tried, and he rocked forward, rubbing his cock against her delicious ass. There was no point even trying to stifle the hungry moan that fell from his lips and he continued to stroke her rhythmically when his other arm wrapped around her waist in a possessive embrace. "You have the most tasty lil ass, darlin'... if my cock wasn't so eager, I'd be wanting to lick you all over right now," he purred and trailed his tongue over the curve of her neck.

Leila gripped at the wall with one hand as her other one went behind her back to grab onto some part of Rob. She hooked her fingers into his belt loops as she tried to stifle a moan, and failed. His name slipped from her lips and her breathing started to become shallow. She gave a shiver as she felt him rub against her ass, and felt his breath against the back of her neck. Her eyes slipped closed briefly, and she grinned as she turned her head towards his mouth. "And if I wasn't so desperate to have your sperm impregnate me, I might just let you take it, and not just lick it."

Rob cursed softly, his breath tickling the wet trail over her skin. He continued to stroke her clit, letting his fingers slide in and out of her, but his other hand got busy tugging her jeans down over her hips to her thighs before he moved on to shove his own down a lot less gently. He kissed her cheek, coaxing her to turn her head and then caught her lips in another hungry kiss. He was indulging on the feeling of her rocking against his fingers, absorbing her actions and the sounds she was making to spur him on. He was sure he had never known another woman's body as much as he had come to know Leila's and he just felt like he could never get enough of her. They had this chemistry he thrived on and he didn't want it to ever end. The baby making had just laid the challenge down, but truthfully, they had been this passionate with each other from day one. He positioned himself carefully and then with a smooth thrust, took her deeply from behind, unable to get the thought of doing those glorius things with her butt next time they were in private.

She clawed at the wall of the house as she sucked in a breath and squeezed her inner muscles around him to keep him inside her for a moment. His fingers were still circling her clit, and she would have been in danger of turning into a puddle of goo if he didn't have her held tightly against him. Leila was in no danger of ever getting sick of being with Rob like this, or in any danger of denying him not so sneaky ninja fucks in someone else's backyard. In fact, there was a small part of her that was getting even more turned on in the current setting. When they were alone they were free to do whatever they wanted to each other, but now there was the added element of possibly being caught. Leila shifted her hand to grab the back of Rob's neck as she turned her head to kiss him again, a low moan lost in his mouth.

Rob knew they were on the clock this time. Mike's folks could come looking for them or calling for them for whatever reason, hell someone could even come outside. He knew it wouldn't be Mike, because he was mostly confined to bed, and probably not Charlie because she would be wanting to stick around with Mike for as long as she could. But as much as Rob loved them, he wasn't sure he could take either Mr or Mrs Austin catching him fucking his wife against a wall in their backyard. He would be mortified. Still, it was only just a tiny hint of a thought at the back of his head. All-encompassing was Leila in his arms and her wet heat wrapped around his cock. He was already taking it fast, setting a quick and even rhythm of thrusts, trying to take her deeply each time. His other arm left her waist so he could slide his hand up under her shirt, brushing his fingertips over her breast. Oh hell, she had no bra on it felt like his cock got just that tiny bit harder at the realisation. He cupped the mound of flesh in his palm, massaging it softly and giving her nipple a soft pinch to feel it harden. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have her as his wife.

Leila arched back against her husband and rest the back of her head against his shoulder as her fingers gripped tighter at what little hair he did have. It had been growing out since he'd been back from Afghanistan, and she'd be lying if she didn't admit to liking it longer. This way she had more to grab onto. Her decision not to wear a bra that day had apparently been win. She didn't often go without, just the days when the idea of putting one on caused her pain. Since they were on the road she couldn't exactly indulge in pyjama days, so she just went with braless ones. It probably didn't help with the fact she was getting more and more used to spending her time naked. Her breath came out in heated pants, and she moaned at the delicious sensations Rob had buzzing through her body. She was already starting to shudder in warning, the stroking of her clit doing more than enough to push her towards the edge rapidly. "Jesus, Rob..."

As far as Rob was concerned, he could be up for more of this. Anyway, Google had told them that lots of different positions was a good thing when trying for a baby. At least, some of the more theoretical ones did, anyway. The scientific ones went into too much detail about sperm and eggs, and Rob had lost attention of it, inside having a covert window open under the browser with their homemade porn pictures. Of course, Leila had caught him and it had led to some pretty awesome sex in the front seat of the car with her riding him in the passenger's seat. If sexual positions was one of the answers, then they were well on it. He just refused to wear briefs and eat brussel sprouts for better sperm productions. He had to put his foot down somewhere. No way could brussel sprouts lead to anything good, let alone any good romance. He also didn't like how briefs gave him wedgies, so that was out the window too. If his balls needed support, it was going to be Leila's hands. Another string of expletives fell from his lips with a small grunted warning that he was close. He sucked on her throat, nipping at it and marking her. It wasn't the first time and it wouldn't be the last.

Leila growled softly at the feel of him marking her. She really was proud to wear any mark he gave her. She belonged to no one but her husband, and she didn't want to. No guys had ever held her interest like Rob did. Their chemistry really was something else, and while she might have been terrified in the beginning at the idea of them realising their marriage was maybe a mistake after spending time together, that really was gone now. She had no idea what she had been so worried about. She pushed against the wall as she started to rock her hips back against him, her toes curling in her shoes just before she moaned out his name and bucked and trembled against him. She let go of the wall to clutch at his hand through her shirt, keeping his hand on her breast as the orgasm tore through her.

Rob would be lying if he didn't admit to having a fetish of getting Leila off before him. It might even be just a slightly bit selfish because inevitably feeling her tip over the edge never failed to take him down with her. He got off on feeling her come, clenching around him and shuddering against him. Second only to them coming simultaneously, but that was a little awkward while they were fucking up against a wall. It was better in bed where they could see each others faces and there was no risk of getting scratched to bits on bricks. He held off for just a few moments longer and then thrust deeply inside her with a hoarse groan, dropping his head down onto her shoulder as he climaxed forcefully, his grip around her waist tightening so he didn't force her too roughly up against the wall and hurt her. There was now always a tiny thought flickering in his mind after each orgasm wondering if that was the time they hit the jackpot. So far, though, it was too early for pregnancy symptoms of any sort, so they just continued to persist. As if it was an effort anyway. He brushed his lips against her throat. "I love you," he murmured huskily, trying to catch his breath.

She let out a breathy laugh as her grip loosened on his hair and she ruffled it affectionately. She wanted to be pregnant. Each time she was hoping it would be The Time, but she knew as well as he did that it was too early to tell. "I love you too, Little Rock," she replied softly as she smiled. "I've also decided that we're never using condoms again. Even if the eight weeks are up and there's no baby. Or even if it means we wind up with twelve kids."

"Twelves kids and the fact I've put Jamie's diaper on backwards three times?" Rob laughed as he still held her close, his chin resting on her shoulder as he cuddled her. "Think we can put in an order to have them come out toilet trained? You know, if we decide how many we want and hit that goal, I can always get the snip, then we wouldn't have to worry about any of that anymore. Like, down the track of course. It's an option, though. I'm still finding it hard to believe we're even trying. It feels too good to be true."

"Even if you've put Jamie's diaper on backwards three times," Leila replied as she grinned at the memories. The frenzy of the heated sex was over, and Leila relaxed against Rob as she brushed her fingers against his arm. She didn't want to be separated from him just yet. Even if both their jeans were still pushed down past their hips. "I think we can try, but we might have to be prepared for the fact that it probably won't happen. The snip? Well, I guess it really is an option. Are you sure you'd want to? I love that we're trying. I love that you're basically my sex slave no matter what."

Rob let out a slow breath and nodded against her shoulder. "If we had everything we wanted, sure, I'd get it. Sure, the thought of scalpels in that general vicinity of my body makes me nervous, and I might need a lot of TLC, but the thing is... this not worrying thing is addictive. And I'm prepared... I think. I might have gotten my hopes up a lil bit. Is that a bad thing? If it doesn't happen, I'm gonna be disappointed, I guess. I didn't mean to, but things lately just made me want it more."

"I think I'm going to be, too. It's the first bet I've wanted to lose. I guess we're just going to have to try and toughen up a little bit. If it doesn't happen now, it will happen sometime. I'll be more than happy to kick in with the TLC. That part of you has always taken care of me, so I'll take care of it." Leila turned her head to nuzzle against him, and sighed. "It's not a bad thing, by the way. It's just where we're at. How many babies do you want?"

Rob was still snuggling her close, indulging in the quiet moment they had together. It wasn't like they didn't get a lot of quiet time together, especially on the road trip, but this was just nice. "Hmm... I thought two or three, but I think I'd even be happy with one. I think if we get one though, I might love it so much and want more. I ain't wanting to be impractical, though. Three might be too much if I ever have to go away again. Still, if I don't go away, maybe not. Welcome to my brain of the last few weeks," he joked, laughing.

Leila patted his hand before she linked their fingers as she kept his arms around her. "Mm, well, who can blame you? You're still uncertain of how things are going to play out. If you don't know what's going to happen in a month, a year, five years... how are you going to be able to decide anything? We'll just play it by ear, and see how we go. One's a good start. Not like we're in any rush, is it?"

Rob hummed in agreement. "Yeah, for sure. But you know what? Feel like I should just take the training position and be done with it. It ain't gonna be so bad, and I can chill out, spend time with my family, even if we ain't successful on the knocking up front. I've been watching Mikey, and even Charlie. Talking to them. Thinking about the whole shipping out and fighting thing right now just makes me feel real tired, like I wanna curl up in a ball at the bottom of the bed and not come out. I know a lot of that is just the PTSD, and with the therapy, it'll get better. But I think by the time it gets better, I wanna have a shot at being a daddy and doing normal things like mowing the grass of our house and cooking dinner. I've done four terms over there. Well, three and a half. Maybe something's just trying to tell me I've reached my quota. It ain't like the job they're offering me is gonna pay less, it won't. I'm still gonna be a soldier. My feet will just stay grounded."

Leila started to shift slowly so that she could turn around in his arms, careful not to do anything to hurt him. She tugged both their jeans up before she looped her arms around his neck and kissed him softly, letting it linger as she smiled against his mouth. "I think you're doing the right thing. I would have backed you regardless of which path you chose, but this one... I like this one. It gives you time to heal, time to go through the therapy. Gives you time to be normal, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that for a little while. Plus Mikey tells me you'd be quite the Drill Sergeant."

"Only problem is, I ain't sure I remember how to be normal," Rob admitted sheepishly, pressed his lips together as he looked at her. But he soon smiled and shrugged. "Did he just? Lies, all lies! I'm perfectly sweet and... whatever else Drill Sergeants ain't. Truth of it is, though, I'm hoping I can have a chance to put the cadets on the right path so they ain't gonna make the mistakes that my Private did out in the field and get themselves recklessly blown up. Maybe I can make a difference at base level where it counts more than most realise. I still remember every minute of my training, all stored up in my head somewhere. I remember all the moves those Drill Sergeants made to drive the messages home. It's what gave me what I needed to be a soldier."

"Of course you can make a difference. I know you will, you believe in what you're doing, and you care about the soldiers and their lives. That's not something a lot of Drill Sergeants probably have. I think they'd just get off on the power plays." She stroked her fingers against his cheek, and sighed quietly. "You'll just have to be abnormal and mow the lawn, and do the daddy and husband things. No shame in that. I won't tell anyone otherwise."

Rob had to laugh. "Like the time I went and did the grocery shopping when you were working at the pub and I lined everything up in the cart with the labels out in order of where they went on our shelves back home and this little old lady stopped me and struck up a conversation about how her son had OCD too and it was a horrible thing to have to live with? I seriously understood right then what you meant when you told me I needed to be ruffled," he said with a smirk. "The next time I did it, it seriously bugged me to just chuck it in all messily, though. I'm too set in my ways. Not everything needs to be structured. Chilling out ain't gonna hurt me, hopefully."

"It hasn't hurt you so far," Leila replied with a grin. "But yeah, that's what I mean. I can't help it if you just had this... look when I first met you. You definitely don't have it now. Now you just look well and truly shagged, and sexy, and ruffled, and mine." She kissed him again, a little more heated this time. "I really do love you, Rob Laird."

[ship] rob/leila, [rp] tacticalmind

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