» application εїз gargleblasted

Oct 15, 2010 23:18


Name: Savannah
Are you over 16?: I am!
Personal LJ: lunarflowers
Email: planetorama@gmail.com
Timezone: EST
Other contact: aim vorticism
Characters already in the game: snowoverkamui
How did you find us?: I was eyeing it. Nearly got enabled through RP!S. Put it off for awhile. Then I joined with Ite and here I am :D


Character name: Goldilocks
Fandom: Everafter - her first appearance is here
Timeline: Post-page 57
Age: Not given in canon (I assume she's 16 or 17)
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: None known. Though there was an instance after a child on a tour pointed out her scars that something strange appeared behind her; what it is and can do is currently unknown.
How would they use their abilities?: N/A
Appearance: Goldilocks w/ Hansel | Page from the Comic

For an inmate in a mental asylum, Goldilocks seems and appears to be rather normal (as is noted by a woman on the tour that Iggy is giving).

→ Wears a soft pink (what appears to be a) multi-layered dress with the straps going around her neck and disconnected sleeves. The sleeves are held onto her arms by what appear to be some sort of buckles near the upper part; the bottom part of the sleeves frill out just like the skirt(s) of her dress. The reason that her clothes differentiate from the other inmates of Everafter's is due to her class-type and ailment so, for comfort, her uniform, as it is called, is rather unique.

→ On her feet, Goldilocks wears a pair of platformed sandals.

→ Seems to be of average height, if not a little shorter when not wearing her sandals.

→ Has green blue eyes and long, blond hair that falls past her knees. Parts of her hair frame her face and frill out to the sides.

→ Has two scars: one that goes across her left eye and another that marks her right cheek.

→ Wears Pinocchio's Wishing Star around her neck.

Background/Personality: Note that headcanon will be bolded text, but I will not be delving too far into it as I honestly have no idea if Endling will be returning to Ever After or not.

Most know the name "Goldilocks" from the childhood fairytale that they were told by their parents or elder siblings - or maybe even by a friend. But this Goldilocks is a little different from the one that most probably know about. Her story is not as lighthearted and silly as the fairytale would like us all to believe.

When Goldilocks first appears she is a patient in the mental asylum "Everafter Maximum Security Asylum and Home for the Fantastically Traumatized" - or Everafter for short. She is a bit more clumsy and cheerful than the previously introduced character - Red - and even a bit on the ditzy side. She has a rather silly habit of misplacing one of her favorite books in rather odd places; such places seem to consist of the top of her head and it was all thanks to Iggy that she was able to locate it:

"Perhaps the ceiling! Have you checked the ceiling?
No one thinks to check there!"

She is then introduced to the people who Iggy has been giving a tour around Everafter and the woman on the tour - the mother of a rather bratty child - notes that Goldilocks' outfit is rather different from the other inmate's. Iggy goes on to explain that Goldilocks is what is known as an S-Class charge and that those with that sort of ranking are given a unique uniform because their comfort is of utmost priority; he then goes on to further explain that it was Dr. Crooked that had come up with the idea and that it seems to have done a rather decent amount of good.

During the course of the conversation or, rather, much near the end of it, the woman's child points out Goldilock's scars and Goldilocks seems to be rather surprised and confused the accusation of having them:

"I.. What..?
I don't .. have any scars."

The child is further to press the subject and Goldilocks seems to fall into a further case of denial. It seems as though the mere mentioning of her scars is bringing back memories that she would much rather be forgetting.

"It's.. Nothing..
There's.. There's nothing there.
I don't.. I've been.."

And for the quickest second something appears behind her but it does not go by unseen. Whatever it may be is unknown even though it seems to have the appearance of a small bear. The cause for her scars, as well as her denial in believing that they are there, is also somewhat of a mystery. But it seems to be more than obvious that they are the cause of a bear attack. Perhaps Goldilocks' visit into the three bear's house had gone a little less lighthearted and ended up with her being attacked and mauled by them - or even just the smallest bear, at that, and left her severely traumatized.

It would be more than understandable that three bears would be upset over something having eaten their porridge, messed up their chairs, and even slept in their beds. One can only imagine what sort of physical and mental damage that an attack such as that could have caused...

Nurse Eda then interrupts and shoos them all away before she readies Goldilocks who is in a rather nervous mood (even more so after the child) for her visit to Professor Cricket for her final treatment. In what is presumed to be a letter to her father, Goldilocks tells him that she has been improving greatly and that she likes it at Everafter, even though not everyone is as friendly as the people from her home (Gold Brick). Despite that fact, Goldilocks has been able to make a few friends. From the letter, it seems as though she has not seen her father since her arrival at Everafter.

"I've gotten better since I left... I wish you could see."

On the way to her appointment with Professor Cricket she is stopped by Pinnochio, who works as a janitor in Everafter. As they speak, she tells him just how nervous she feels and Pinnochio then tells her that is the reason he stopped her and offers her his Wishing Star - something that has has had for a long time and might be lucky ("Well, I mean. If you want it to be.") After some hesitation - and help from Nurse Eda - Goldilocks takes the Wishing Star and puts it on.

"Ah! I love it!
And I will not lie, I feel at least twice as lucky as I did before, if not more."

And this is where her life on the S.S. Thor will begin...

Why should that character be in this game: For OCs only.

Why do you want to continue their history here: For characters from other games only.

For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play:

Have you read up on how the game works?: FlamingFerret. You make money by getting a job, going on missions, or by being a lazy bum and pickpocketing people.

1st person sample: [The guide flicks on in what appears to be the middle of a conversation; the camera focuses in on a rather confused and worried looking blonde. After her (countless) hours of filling out paper work and becoming a bit of an annoyance to the clerks there with her countless questions and Oh, it can't be true that Grimmoire and Gold Brick are gone! that they had to physically usher her out Goldilocks is now finding herself a little...lost.

The ship is large and new to her. It was not like anything that she had ever seen before, after all, and after having grown used to being within Everafter's walls...]

Oh dear... First learning such dreadful news and now this.

[She glances around, biting her bottom lip as a few aliens walk past. Her grip on the guide tightens as her expression falls.]

Whatever am I supposed to do now?

3rd person sample: It was one thing to be strolling down the hallways of Everafter on her way to an examination, but it was another entirely to be strolling down the hallways of a ship like this. It was much larger than Everafter and it worried her slightly to be on her own - without Nurse Eda to accompany her or Pinocchio to up and stop her for mere idle chatter. This was especially so after having learnt of the...fate of both Grimmoire and her hometown.

To say that it left a pit within her stomach that felt like it was full of butterflies would be putting it lightly.

To think that it was even fathomable for a world to be destroyed...

Goldilocks could only frown at the thought. It couldn't be true now, could it? She would much rather believe that it was some sort of lie brought on by these...things, whatever they may be. Just because they had called her a "refugee" and did less to help her with all of her questions, other than saying that she wasn't the only one to be now without a home, did not mean that what they said was true! If it had been destroyed than what did that mean happened to Pinnochio and her father? To Nurse Eda and Professor Cricket? Even the children in Everafter...

With a quick shake of her head and her fingers tightening around the Guide that she had been given, Goldilocks raised her head to give the alien surroundings a look.

"They all must be doing fine," she says softly to herself. "Pinnochio is probably cleaning the vents right this instant and Nurse Eda must be worried that I just suddenly vanished like that. I just hope that Professor Cricket will not be too mad at me for missing such an important date and arriving a little more than late."

Questions?: What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yes!
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