An Office, May or May Not Be Navaan's, Saturday

Sep 27, 2014 03:53

Like Jayne, Navaan had gotten a note from the office telling her to be where parents of her students could find her, while wearing clothing that covered up all of her private areas. The words they used were longer, but the gist was the same.

In fact, to make sure she was available when needed, Navaan had decided to camp out in an office until the weekend was over. Unfortunately for them, they hadn't specified anything about being awake or sober, so wandering guests were going to have to take her as they found her. If they could find her. She'd made herself at home on top of a filing cabinet in one of the offices--whether or not it was hers was up for debate, probably with whomever found her first.

Either way, she was where she could be found! And clothed (for now)! She was doing exactly what she'd been told and so there!

[Like Karla, open for any visitors, including anyone who wants to claim this office as her own. She'll just head off to another office, which also may or may not be hers! Pings grabbed when I'm awake again!]

parents weekend, look at me teaching!, aww yeah that's some good teachin

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