app @ route_29

Sep 28, 2011 02:07

Name: Kaley
Livejournal Username: perpetual_poet
E-mail: klynntate at gmail dot com
AIM/MSN: AIM: QLizzyTudor, Plurk: inperpetuity
Timezone: PST
Current Characters in Route: Youji Kudou | WK | coolest_cat

Name: Sokka
Series: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Timeline: post-The Boiling Rock
Canon Resource Links:


The first thing you will notice about Sokka is that he’s talkative. His sense of humor forms a major part of how he presents himself and interacts with people. It serves to counterpoint either his practical intelligence or highlight his sarcastic goofiness. In normal circumstances, he’s a ‘look at me!’ type who likes attention, but also has the sense to know when this is not practical. Even in his paranoia, however, he’s a bit over the top, and while he usually has a point to make, it can be easy to overlook in the wake of the GESTURES! And the JOKES!

Sokka has a bit of a chip on his shoulder; to his own eye, he’s the only man who was left behind when his tribe went to war, and this, combined with the death of his mother, makes him desperate to succeed and prove himself. He wants to be a man his father would be proud of, a proper warrior, and he also wants to protect his family and loved ones. The fear of failure is strong with this one, and it only gets stronger after the sacrifices of Princess Yue and his father. This is the serious side that really only comes out when the situation calls for it, and surprises everyone when it does.

He’s also very passionate. Everything Sokka does is done with gusto. Enthusiasm. He gets into his plans, he gets into his acting, he even gets into his own paranoia. He’s quick-witted and good at taking all of the details and turning them into a giant explosion of weapons or tactics. Sokka’s the sort of person who takes lemons and makes a lemon meringue pie to supplement the lemonade. With a bendy straw. He’s creative and puts his own spin on things. He’s a big-picture thinker with grand ideas and the sharp mind it takes to plan and carry them out.

He is also a consummate big brother. He is very protective of his sister, Katara, and while he considers her annoying and fun to antagonize, he loves and admires her for her ability to take charge in the face of their mother’s death. While Sokka is the older sibling, he does end up deferring to Katara just because she’s become so much like a mother to him, and will sometimes just bow out of a serious fight with her.

Sokka is very supportive of his sister, and defensive. While he’s not afraid to disagree with her, seriously criticizing her is a good way to get him to yell at you. Katara and Sokka switch off between who’s the sensible one in their relationship, with Katara acting as a down to earth counterpoint to Sokka’s extreme paranoia or silliness, or Sokka as the neutral middle ground to either Katara’s extremes, whether it's her idealism or her refusal to let things go.

He also extends his defensive protectiveness to anyone else he loves. He acts as an older brother figure to Toph, being her confidant and the first person she’ll hang on to if she’s cut off from her Earthbending, and Aang, who finds Sokka easy to talk because he’s a bit more understanding than Toph and not the person he’s in crush-at-first-sight with, like Katara. Any disparaging comment made towards the moon is met with swift shutting down, because the Moon Spirit was a love interest and she was lovely, and the deciding factor in the failure of his invasion plan is that he let Princess Azula taunt him the possible fate of his other love interest.

Basically, Sokka has a lot of capacity for love. He forms strong attachments, both to living friends and inanimate objects.

And may all the lion-turtles in the world help you if you cross his attachments, because his brain, his boomerang or his sword will get you. Possibly all at once.


+ Strategy!
+ Determination!
+ Thinking, both quickly and outside the box! Plus improv!
+ Pragmatism!
+ Protectiveness!

- Pragmatism. Sometimes, he overlooks the lesser evils.
- Public speaking.
- Can get a little too wrapped up in his plans; tendency to go overboard.
- He does let his agenda get away with him; wanting to prove himself means he’s very reluctant to abandon a plan so long as there is a chance of it working-this is something he’s working on, though.
- He can have a hard time letting go, but not quite to Katara’s level.
- He also sees his lack of bending ability as a weakness.
- Quick to anger, but not to Zuko’s level. He rarely stays angry, but he does remember things.

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer
Starter: Spheal
Password: Taco Bell

First Person Sample:

[The camera focuses on a cheery blue ball rolling out of the frame… and then back in. And then back out… back in. Back out… back in. Wash, rinse, emphasis on repeat. This goes on just long enough to prompt thoughts of whether or not it’s a recorded loop before Sokka breaks the silence.]

Anybody got a name for this thing? It looks like a seal that swallowed a whole melon! Which I’m sure was not appreciated by its sister seals. Melons being a precious commodity and all, d’you know how much we have to trade for one? Tons of seal pelts. Way too many to risk actually feeding a melon to one.

Seals only eat fish, anyway!

Also, why is it blue? Seals don’t get cold enough to turn blue. Anything who’d turn blue at living in the Poles reeeeally needs to go house-hunting. Like, far away, because ice is really the only building block we got. I mean, they’re good insulation, but only if you do it right. And that tends to require opposable thumbs. Flippers are cool, but this guy's are seriously weak.

So… help?

Third Person Sample:

“All right, troops,” he began, surveying his Pokemon. Mr. Poly-Rolls stood at attention, while Kya yawned dismissively and Princess Prettyfluff splashed in the pond .

“First gym match. We’ve trained long and hard for this, and we are not going to give my sister the opportunity to rub her superiority in my face, got it?” He stared long and hard at the three Pokemon.

They stared back.

“Got. It?” Sokka demanded, leaning over at a ninety degree angle to glare directly into their eyes. Really, it wasn’t a difficult concept. This was a world that revolved around success, where everyone was either a three-dimensional walking painting or aspiring to conquer a challenge that literally everyone could take a shot at-no bending and no Avatars and their mastery of everything.

It wasn’t that Sokka didn’t love his sister, or didn’t love Aang or Toph-and he definitely saw value in Zuko. Value that he was immensely grateful for. But there was this thing, this thing that made them special and capable and while Sokka was good at what he was good at, simple fact of the matter was that even with his Space Sword, he couldn’t bring down buildings without some careful planning and canvassing for support beams and weak points. Subtlety. This was his chance, his chance to be in control of magnificent destructive elemental power and-just his luck, his team was not at all focused on the mission.

The mission which was pretty much all they had to do since no one in Johto had heard of Sozin’s Comet. Or bending. Or any of the four nations and that was, of course, really simply absurd but since only a very few had heard of Johto before and they all said it was a game, that was fair. Games Sokka could win! So much better than war.

“Right, troops, you are, for the moment, dismissed.” He coughed. “Princess Prettyfluff, we’ll be working on Rain Dance tomorrow, and I want everyone to be on alert for somebody who looks like they can learn Thunder, okay? Flying gym’s first, and while Mr. Poly-Rolls already has Powder Snow and Kya has Rollout, I want all. Bases. Covered, d’you all hear me?”

Another yawn, and Sokka smacked himself in the forehead.

app, route_29

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