heartache to heartache we stand...love is a battlefield.

Nov 25, 2004 19:03

f i r s t s
First best friend: John, in preschool in Greensboro
First car: Ha! I can only wish…
First real kiss: Paul. Not Haskins or anyone you know.
First break-up: Same Paul.
First screen name: dreamerloser or something to that effect…
First self purchased album: Spice Girls
First funeral: Amy’s fathers, and it was a memorial service because he dedicated his body to science
First pets: Bubba but I’m pretty sure I didn’t like him
First piercing/tattoo: None.
First credit card: I will never have one
First true love: None
First enemy: Some chick in 1st grade who’d constantly call me fat. But it’s ok because she got held back that year. Payback kills, my friends.
First big trip: New Orleans or Sarasota/Punta Gorda. I’ve been going there all my life.
First music: In my house? Oldies.

l a s t s
Last car ride: Well, I drove to Hollywood Video (the new one…it’s pretty cool) yesterday
Last kiss: 3 years ago. Yeah, I know…
Last good cry: 5th gradeish?
Last library book checked out: “the Joy Luck Club” (for school)
Last movie seen: Harry Potter 3. Patrick’s fault.
Last beverage drank: Water, since it’s all I drink now.
Last food consumed: Bread.
Last crush: Major one? Matt.
Last phone call: Probably my fajah.
Last time showered: yesterday
Last shoes worn: My brown clogs, as usual.
Last item bought: Bottle of water
Last annoyance: Mother and how she takes sooo long to no avail
Last time wanting to die: 8th grade
Last time scolded: current

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
Who are your best friends? “Best friends”? Thanks to a resolution I have none, but close ones are: Josh, Shelby, Susan, Kate and Carrie
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? I can only wish

f a s h i o n | s t u f f
Where is your favorite place to shop? Should I have money, online. Should I not, the Dollar Store. You never know what you’re gonna find in there, man.
Any tattoos or piercings? Nope.

s p e c i f i c s
Do you do drugs? No.
What kind of shampoo do you use? Something apple.
What are you most scared of? Being alone. Ironic, huh?
What are you listening to right now? The TV my mom’s watching
Where do you want to get married? small church, minimal attendance.
What would you change about yourself? Body, no question. But I’m working on it.

f a v o u r i t e s
Color: Green and purple.
Food: So many. Strawberries maybe? Spaghetti? Bread?
Boys' names: James, Thomas, Charlie, Aaron…to name a very few, there are lots more
Girls' names: Elizabeth, Ava…much more too
Subjects in school: English, History and Chemistry. Art if I took it.
Animals: Dogs.
Sports: To watch? Football, rugby and soccer. To play? None.
Perfume: Too smelly.
Cologne: It’s never worn correctly, so none.

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
Given anyone a bath? Only babies.
Smoked? No.
Bungee jumped? No. Afraid of heights.
Made yourself throw up? No.
Skinny dipped? No.
Been in love? No.
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? I don’t exactly know how to cry, much less on command.
Pictured your crush naked? Duh.
Actually seen your crush naked? Negatory.
Cried when someone died? Not that I can remember, but I’m sure I did...
Lied? Of course.
Fallen for your best friend? Not really.
Been rejected? Definitely.
Rejected someone? Unfortunately, but I felt so bad it took me forever. Only 3 people though. 2 were stalkers.
Used someone? I would think so.
Done something you regret? No, but regretted something, yes. There is a difference.

c u r r e n t
Clothes: I <3 NY sweatshirt, sledding dog pajama pants and underwear.
Music: In my head? “Love is a Battlefield”
Make-up: Don’t wear it.
Annoyance: Tense Back. No one gives me massages because they’re bums.
Smell: Coffee. Hate the taste though. Starbucks hot chocolate all the way.
Favorite artist: Degas
Desktop picture: A da Vinci painting
Book your reading: “the da Vinci Code” oddly enough (again), “the Joy Luck Club” and “Oedipus Rex” because I never finished it.
CD in player: Phantom Planet and t.A.t.U.
DVD in player: Harry Potter 3
Color of toenails: Pearl-esque

l a s t | p e r s o n
You touched: Chelsea most likey
Hugged: one of the HHHL
You IMed: Chelsey
You kissed: It was 3 years ago. Drop it.

a r e | y o u
Understanding: I hope so.
Open-minded: Yes.
Arrogant: Often times.
Insecure: Totally.
Interesting: Not really.
Hungry: Nope. It’s Thanksgiving, how could I be?
Smart: Enough so to get by.
Moody: Hm. I don’t know.
Hardworking: When it’s something I want or hard labor.
Organized: Skittles-wise.
Healthy: My doctor told me yes last time I visited, but personally I think 70 lbs. overweight isn’t healthy.
Shy: Depends. Not the diapers.
Attractive: No.
Bored easily: No.
Responsible: Yesish.
Obsessed: With some select things, yes.
Angry: No.
Sad: Sometimes.
Disappointed: Rarely.
Happy: Sometimes.
Hyper: Rarely.
Trusting: No.
Talkative: Haha yeah.
Legal: No.

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: No one.
Slap: Honestly? My mother sometimes.
Get high with: the HHHL, if anyone.
Look like: Myself, only minus extra weight.
Talk to offline: Latin crew, Carmon, Kathleen and HHHL
Talk to online: Smurfy maybe? He never talks to me. My old friends.

r a n d o m
In the morning I am: Dead tired. And Oogly.
All I need is: Nothing. I have everything I need.
Love is: unattainable.
I dream about: love…and perfection.

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi, baby.
Flowers or candy: Flowers.
Tall or short: Tall.

r a n d o m
What you notice first: Hair color. I’m a fan of brown hair.
Last person you danced with: Ziggy.
Worst question to ask: Why do they like you?
Who makes you laugh the most? Sam, Patrick, Susan
Who makes you smile? Carmon
Who gives you a funny feeling when you see them? Karen.
Who do you have a crush on? A few people, nothing major.
Who has a crush on you? That guy living in Antarctica. Oh, wait…he doesn’t know me. Damn.

d o | y o u | e v e r
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: No.
Save conversations: Yes, when they have meaning.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: When I was younger…I was kind of a tomboy.
Wish you were younger: No.
Cry because someone said something to you: Only when it comes to mi madre.

n u m b e r
Of times I have had my heart broken: Several, only once by romance.
Of hearts I have broken: None.
Of guys I’ve kissed: 3?
Of girls I’ve kissed: None.
Of continents I have lived in: Just the one.
Of tight friends: 6
Of CDs I own: 60-80
Of scars on body: Lots…I’m a clumsy/formerly self-destructive person.
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