
May 24, 2005 09:19

i had a dream last night. it hurt me.

i think i am missing something -- some vital element of the story, like i've closed my eyes for a second to rest them from the monotony of a daytime drama, and once i've reopened them, the scene is upside-down -- and i've missed it all with no hope of being caught up -- or maybe i'm missing that part of my brain that allows me to succumb to the natural drama, unhappiness, and general emo-ness of everything surrounding me. that's gotta be it -- i see, from behind an invisible, though impenetrable wall, people crying and dying and hiding away in self destructive corners and i shut down and refuse to be dragged down into the abyss. and of course, you must sense this -- it must be that infamous "ice princess" vibe, ne? not uncaring, you see. just gone -- im already gone.
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