as we know it

Jan 05, 2006 23:44

    #19 [post-apocalyptapick your apocalyptific]
  • four seasons beyond armageddon by International Princess (Buffy/Giles) NC-17 : In the end (or maybe the beginning) it was just the two of them.
  • In the Bleak Midwinter by annakovsky (Xander/Dawn) PG : She is wearing a t-shirt that says Mrs. Seth Cohen. Earlier in the day she had informed Xander that this was "mostly ironic." She is so eighteen years old he aches with it
  • Seeing Africa by huzzlewhat (Xander) PG : The stories happened to someone else, and that someone else? Fictional. The Xander in his stories never had a name.
  • Cup of Tea by thawrecka (Giles/Spike) R : He doesn't dare go to the house. Buffy and Joyce are there; dead women seeped into the walls. Their ghosts are loud and noisy and Giles' head aches. "I'm just very busy," he says
  • Everything by anr G : Only when you think of all the could-have's and should-have's and realise you NEVER DID. You never did save her.
  • rough replacements by unwinding (Buffy/Giles) R : They buried his mother in London and it rained, of course it rained, but Giles is English so he had an umbrella and dry eyes.
  • Things Left Undone by minnow1212 (various) PG-13 : Part 5: Life's a Bitch
  • What Guile is This? A Luddite's Love Story by glossing (Giles/Buffybot) NC-17 : Time does not flow. Without life, the flow ceases.

    After life, moments simply follow moments, each one stark and discrete. Memories and the new shuffle together. Stammer.

    This is grief.
  • The Weary World Rejoicing by annakovsky (Xander/Anya) PG : Xander's ears are pink from cold, and he worries. They cannot afford to lose Willow. They have lost so much already
  • You Who Never Arrived by m_phoenix (Dawn/Riley) R : “Where are you going?”

    “Nowhere,” you admitted, feeling suddenly foolish.

    “Sure,” she said, almost smiling. “I’m going that way too.”

dawn/riley, xander, xander/anya, giles/spike, dawn/xander, buffy/giles

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