second draft

Jan 03, 2006 17:44

    #14 [Connor]
  • Untitled by inlovewithnight (Connor) : As a general rule, the dead take very little interest in the educational trajectories of constructed realities named Connor.
  • Imitation of Life by nihilistbear (Connor) : He thinks now, that on some sub - cellular level, in his bones or his blood, he’s wanted to keep a record of his life because it’s already been changed once.
  • fitter happier more productive: five things that might happen to Connor. by zarahemla (Connor) : He hopes the man in the black coat will show up soon. His hands itch: to choke, to buy a gun, to keep the lawn mowed. Perfectly.
  • All the Lost Angels by violetsmiles (Lindsey/Connor) : One, Stevie knew what he was doing, and two, thank fucking God he's human.
  • Falling by lyrajane (Connor/Wes) : Wesley nodded, then asked the only question he could think of. "Is your name still Connor?"
  • Deliverance by debchan (Connor, Wes) : Silence for a while, then, "There are faster ways to die."

    Wesley shrugged. "It's the journey that matters."

  • Second Hand by kita0610 (Spike/Connor) : But here's this kid with Darla's eyes and Angel's hands, only he smells human. Like pizza, and new soap. Like the beginnings of grief. Because they're dead, but Connor is alive.

  • On the Education of a Young Man by yahtzee63 (Connor) : Angel had great dreams for his son's education; he was not unlike Irish immigrants of earlier centuries, in that way at least.
  • The Woman He Woke Up To by seldear (Connor/Dawn) : "Most of us only have one," Dawn said, a little pointedly. "And you never said you were adopted."

    "I didn't?" His expression was surprised. "Oh. Whoops. Um. Hey, Dawn, I'm adopted."
  • Crossing Nevada by _dellamore (Connor/Lindsey) : He’d let her patter on until she mentioned Tracy and something twanged in his heart and he’d made little crackling noises into the phone and told her the connection was dying.

connor, connor/dawn, connor/spike, connor/lindsey, wes, connor/wes

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