
Jan 03, 2006 15:36

    #8 [tales of the slayers]
  • Campfire Tale for the End of Days by stultiloquentia (Aur) : So. A very long time ago, Demons walked the earth. Stomped, also. Flew. Slithered, swam, percolated, oozed.
  • Bed of Bones by rozk (the First Slayer) : She had no speech. She tossed her head or pointed or sighed.
  • Theses on a Philosophy of Power by glossing (Ruka) : To her family, six brothers, one sister and parents, she was Yita.
  • Dig for Victory by nostalgia_lj (Iris) : Always have to make compromises in this business, she tells herself for the umpteenth time.
  • A Cold and Broken Hallelujah by nihilistbear (Melody) : Like he could protect Melody from the bad things. More likely she’d end up protecting him. She had more than once, after all.
  • Just Full of Gifts by kphoebe (Chosen Slayer) : I know that if you don't understand me, it won't be my fault. I am going to tell you about me, and you are going to listen.
  • Bringing by twinkledru (Future Slayers) : One Slayer has one behind her. One Slayer's death will bring one more to life.
  • Y Jehová la Bendijo by ludditerobot (Chosen Slayer) : But there wasn't yet a girl's dormitory. There were plans, there were ideas, but there wasn't money, a building or staff. Señora Paula says girls have gotten tougher since the Mission started.
  • Chosen One by sathinks (Fbullu) : She was pulled from the aether, given form, and named Slayer.
  • This Little Light by nwhepcat (Chosen Slayer) : Though her sixteenth birthday isn't until next month, she feels she's already passed the real milestone -- the other is just a date.

past.slayer, future.slayer, chosen.slayer, first.slayer

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