less travelled

Feb 01, 2006 02:17

    #22 [a fork in the road]
  • Sidelines. A Season in Other Rooms by eliade (Spike/Xander): And Xander still couldn't bring himself to move or touch anything. He'd never been sure if the proverbial glass was half-full or half-empty, but he knew when the glass was broken.
  • Unaccomodated Man by kindkit (Giles/Oz): He knows, of course, that this is a double exaggeration. He'll still be human most of the time.

    And he hasn't really been human since Oz bit him, twenty-two days ago.
  • Alternative Lifestyle by acchapin (Ripper/ Buffy): Elsewhere.
  • You Pretty Things by doyle_sb4 (Fred/Dawn): The line starts with her birth and trails into dashes two days ago, when they brought her back. She draws a little off-ramp for her five years in Pylea and marks with an X the moment when she died. Another X, smaller, a quarter-inch or so back from that. It’s not to scale, but it’ll do. She just needs a model.
  • The Inherent Ineluctability of One's Fate by stoptocheer (Willow/Tara, Xander, Giles, Buffy, Dawn):
    And screamed, and screamed, and screamed, until the world was gone.
  • Fairy Tales by nikitangel (Wes/Faith): Wes says that it didn’t always go down that way.
  • Beats a Cruel December by Brighid (Spike/Dawn): "Who wants to play?" she asked softly, and their faces grew slick with fear. She was the Slayer.

    And everyone knew the Slayer was a crazy-assed bitch.
  • Run and Catch by cesario (Drusilla, Dawn): Someone is trading one world for another, and Drusilla stands in the eddies of reality, ears attuned to one voice, then the next, none of them being especially permanent.
  • Thaw by Dazzle (Angel/Buffy, Angel/Cordy): TWO DAYS AGO, IN ANOTHER UNIVERSE * I wouldn't usually warn but, this is a deeply unsympathetic Buffy portrayal
  • American Gothic by Polly Burns (Connor/Wes): Time is strange, it's elastic, it can make itself impossibly dense or spread like a silk scarf. Time can arch its back like a cat and seem twice its size.

angel/cordy, buffy, xander, spike/xander, buffy/giles spike/dawn, buffy/angel, drusilla, wes/faith, fred/dawn, giles, dawn, connor/wes, willow/tara

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