consumed, subsumed

Jan 28, 2006 21:51

    #5 [hopelessly lost to you]
  • anyway the main thing is by bettyp (Gunn/Wesley): But love. Love’s no joker. Love ain’t no song and dance and it ain’t getting its own special on HBO anytime soon.
  • All That's Best of Dark and Bright by redbrickrose (Spike/Buffy, Buffy/Angel, Angel/Spike): She isn’t that girl, but if she isn’t the same, then neither is he.

  • The Waking by mpoetess (Giles/withheld): Of course she loved him. How could she not, when Rupert Giles loved her?
  • A Girl Made From Sky by doyle_sb4 (Dawn/Cheeseman): Sometimes, though it was strictly forbidden, he chased the worst of the nightmares away, and when he could spare the time he gave her more pleasant dreams.
  • An Atlas Of The Beautiful World by croupier (Cordelia/Tara): They huddled together to keep warm that night, and when Tara whispered, "Thank you for doing this with me," Cordelia could only close her eyes and smile, because Tara was happy.
  • a sorta fairytale by amerella (Spike & Dawn): And Dawn thinks of the way Spike had looked at Buffy, the way he still looks at her with his face that's the same, and then she doesn't know what to think anymore.

  • Five Things That Never Happened To Xander Harris by stoptocheer (Xander): Xander just looked at him, so utterly blown away that Giles was remotely serious, that he almost forgot to pose for his own freeze-frame: "Xander 'the Man' Harris: Girl Magnet and Tweedy Watcher Guy In Training".
  • shacked up #89 by rheanna27 (Wes/Gunn): Words are precious; a non-renewable resource. We use them sparingly, recycle where possible.
  • proud: Things Giles Does Not Say, and One Thing He Does by ellen m (Giles): "I love you."
  • Volcanoes Melt You Down by winter_baby (Willow): She isn't happy, because she wants to kiss everyone - Tara, Spike, Faith, Kennedy, Oz, all those boys at the clubs, and sometimes even Xander, when he's looking his most grieved.

buffy/spike, xander, buffy/angel, wes/gunn, dawn/cheeseman, spike, willow, cordy/tara, angel/spike, giles, dawn

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