MCM Expo 2008! Part Two

Oct 27, 2008 22:39

Now then, to resume the tale of day one and the exciting events therein! ;)

Saturday 25th October 2008 (part two)

A quick amendment, did I mention the card? Nope, I think I forgot about that... I brought along a birthday card for Andrew for all the assembled
andrewleepotts  members to sign - he's 29 today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW! I managed to get in contact with my lovely online sister
keera  who asked me to put a message on the card for her, 'cause she's all the way over in the Us and feeling left out, poor lamb.

And on with the entry!

Soo, as I left off yesterday, the Primeval panel had just finished entertaining and enlightening us and we were leaving the main stage area to join the already humungous queue for the Primeval autograph signing on the other side of the hall. The only way to be allowed to have an autograph signed if you had a black flower handstamp (gained on exitting the Primeval panel) and the ticket used to get into the panel in the first place.
alyse  - andthedescent (Andi) and I missed you on the way out and oops - I only just realised that you were saving our place in the queue. Sorry hunny.

Outside we finally managed to meet up with
justtracy  and
hutchiebear who got royally hugged and greeted before we wandered over to join the queue... and WOW! What a queue - it wove around the barriers then along the side of the where the signing would be and all the way around the back. It felt like we had to walk about fifty miles, and every step was exciting! *lmao* Even though Justtracy and Hutchiebear hadn't managed to get hold of tickets, they stayed with Andi and I all the way around the queue until we got to the barriers about ten or fifteen minutes later - all the while we were chattering about Primeval and, most especially Andrew. Justtracy and hutchiebear signed the card, bringing the number of signatures and messages on there up to a grand total of six! Obsessive fans unite! Woo! We spotted Alyse ahead of us and once we were in the barriers, Andi and I were furiously snapping pictures, though we both got more pictures of the backs of people's head and their bags than actual pictures of the panel. I'll tell ya now, I was bouncing with excitement while the four if us plotted - more on that later though while Justtracy kindly took my by now very heavy and bulging goodie bag off me so I had both hands free at the signing table. :P

We shuffled through the queue, which seemed interminable while trying to get Alyse's attention, but she was a bit too far ahead of us. And then... then we were at the front. I was bouncing again! The security lady at the head of the queue said we were allowed 2 items each to be signed, checked our handstamps and tickets then made sure that we had only Primeval items for signing. I had two books for signing and Andi had one cool group of three framed pictures, two of Abby and one, in the centre, of her and Connor. :D Andi got one of the cool promotional pictures the security lady was handing out - the new one picture with the large pristichampus rearing up behind our intrepid team. I boldly asked that if there were any of the blank promo pics left at the end of the signing, could I have one - she said she'd see but I never actually got one so they either all got given out/signed OR she forgot. Or never intended to let me have one. >.<

Then... I was there. Face to face first with Adrian Hodges. I asked how he was and offered him my books, which he was reluctant to sign with marker pen... so i lent him my ballpoint (I always wear a pen in my hair! its a bad habit but I love it! :P)! SQUEE! One of the creators of Primeval used my pen! I was buzzing alread and thanked him for creating such a fantastic show. I got a great big smile for that.
Next, I moved along to Hannah, who was sitting looking so pretty and petite in a fetching trilby, greeted me so warmly as I said hi... she asked where I wanted her to sign so I pointed out the inside of the front covers of the books, where Adrian had already made a start, and she signed with a smile... then she noticed the envelope in my hand. She asked brightly what that was and I explained that it was a brithday card for Andrew and she fairly beamed! She said he'd love it... and then she spotted the tattoo on my arm as I was wearing a black top with gauzy purple sleeves. I'm soooo glad I chose to wear that top on Saturday! SQUEE again! Anyway, I rolled up my sleeve to give her a proper look at my dragon tattoo and got a pleasant jolt to notice Andrew leaning over to have a little look too... he'd finished signign for the person in front of me and - and - I had a blank-minded, internal squee moment. I think I might have been asked by Hannah how long I've had it and I said five or so years but I really can't be sure what happened. Ahem.

After thanking Hannah for her time and for helping make a great show, then I got to move on to Andrew. Not the time to freeze... and I didn't! Go me! I handed him his card and wished him happy birthday and Andrew's face seemed to light up. He seemed to be genuinely happy to recieve it and gave a lovely smile when he said it was his first one. (at this point I noticed Lucy smiling ans watching things play themselves out) I told him it was from a group of fans from a LiveJournal group and he asked if he could open it. I was taken aback - like he needed my permission?! I said that he could if he wanted to, or he could save it until later. With that, he opened it and read it thoroughly. He said "Aww, you're so sweet! Thankyou." Aaaand, the fangirl in me melted into a cute dodo-shaped puddle! He shook my hand (MY hand! SQUEEEE!) and signed my books - and then I plunged in with the masterplan devised by Justtracy, Hutchiebear, Andi and myself and politely asked if he and the entire panel would be available for a quick photo with the group later. He admitted that the security staff were prone to hurrying them off into rooms and corridors but he said he'd try and see what he could do. I grinned like a Cheshire Cat - my grin-o-meter was on overload, I think - and thanked him warmly.

Then I gathered my books and moved along to Lucy who is just such a beautiful lady in the flesh. She shook my hand and began signing my book. I commented in a slightly SQUEE-laden tone that her autograph is so swirly and she laughed at me. Okay, now I ran out of things to say (I was still reeling from Andrew, methinks - sorry Lucy!) I thanked her for a fantastic show with a big smile and moved along to Tim Haines who looked so left out being on the corner of the table from the others, poor lamb.

Aww, Tim was so sweet and asked if I'd read the books as he signed. I babbled.. *rolls eyes* All momentum in the confidence department was lost... and I said I'd read some of it but got travelsick on the bus on the way down and couldn't concentrate on reading the rest. That is just SO what he'd want to hear, eh? Oops! Tried to cover it but I think I'd already lost him. Sawree Tim! I still got to shake his hand and I thanked him for a brillaint show and... wandered off clutching my books to my chest obsessively.

Andi was right behind me getting signs and Justtracy and hutchiebear were waiting for us both as we resurfaced from the "Primeval-zone". Yes, I was bouncing again with pent up excitement, this time. Honest, the gang will confirm that. *lmao* We resolved to hang around, looking damned obvious as the trailing end of the queue of fans got their autographs. Between us, we were firing off sneaky pictures and videos of the cast and writers as they were signing. I peeped around the corner with my camera one time and Lucy, bless her cotton socks, was just looking around and gave me a lovely, sweet little smile and  a wave for the camera. I took my piccie then grinned cheekily, nodded and bobbed back out of sight before laughing. Damn me! I giggle when I get caught out! *lmao*

Well, the four of us loitered, chatted and watched for an opportunity. Then,something bizarre happened. As we were watching, Greg Grunberg, who plays Matt Parkman in the hit US show Heroes, came over and interrupted the signing. He went to each of the Primeval panel in turn and they were holding up a sign beside their faces and saying something as Greg filmed them on a mini camcorder. None of us had a clue what he was doing and why and no explanation was forthcoming - he just collared everyone then went on his merry way back to the Heroes signing which was in the larger booth next door. 
(read the next entry for the 26th for the reason behind this.)

Soon, all the guests for autograph signing were gone now and we overheard them saying they wanted the Primeval gang to sign about 20 more pictures, meanwhile the Expo employees got their own things signed, too. We passed comment between us that their poor hands must be getting so tired by now, with all that writing they'd been doing. And then... then the opportunity presented itself at around quarter to six. Andrew was moving around the tables and began walking our way so, as one, we moved to intercept. I dunno if it was me or one of our number who caught his eye first, but I said his name and he nodded. He said something to the security guys to the effect that "These girls have been waiting for such a long time..." He asked if we just wanted him or if we wanted Hannah with him. I piped up that we wanted everyone so he turned and called out "Darling" to Hannah and beckoned her over. We all got in a cosy little huddle - with no banging of arms or other group picture related injuries and hutchiebear, bless him, took pictures with both Justtracy's camera and mine. We all thanked the both fo them before the security guard you see in the background of the picture ushered them away into the ether of the guest stars' area. None of us got to see where they went, however, because we were huddled like hungry vultures around the cameras, looking at the brilliant pictures Hutchie just took. *grinz and hugz Hutchiebear tightly* Thanks for that, hunny! You're a star!

We obviously has no time to experience the Cosplay Masquerade (where all those people in their wonderful costumes get to show themselves off and have a good ol' party, by the sounds) since tickets were needed and if we'd gone to that, we'd never have gotten our pictures... small price to pay, methinks, for this...

(L-R, andthedescent, ME, Hannah, Andrew, justtracy) We make an awesome gang, don't we? *lmao* :P ;)

Well... after that, there was nothing to do so we by now quite weary travellers went our separate ways and that really saddened me. I knew none of you guys would be going the next day and that i'm not going to get together with you all again for quite some time. But rest assured, I'll try to make a trip down to London to visit you guys again as soon as I can! I absolutely adored spending time with you all!

Massive (free) hugz and thanks to:
Alyse and your entire entourage (you guys were great!)
Warwick Davis,
Shane Rangi,
Adrian Hodges,
Hannah Spearritt,
Andrew-Lee Potts,
Lucy Brown,
Tim Haines,
And all those fantastic free huggers that just made me smile all weekend long!

*free hugz!*

primeval, hugs, expo, london, heroes, 25th, oct, part two, 2008, mcm, prince caspian

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