Snowball's chance in Hell

Mar 09, 2008 08:53

Title: Snowball's chance in Hell
Author: Dodo Chaplet
Rating: NC-17, unless otherwise specified. Which it won't ever be.
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, unless othewise specified. Which it won't ever be

Again with the beer! Beware typos!

Ianto apologizes for kicking Jack to the curb.

It had been a few days since Ianto had rudely sent Jack packing. Other than beginning the next morning’s meeting with a vague, yet pointed jack-off joke, Jack had not said anything to Ianto about the evening. He went about his day, perhaps a little more aloof than normal, but he was a very busy man, after all, and as much as Jack would love to stand around and hump his co-workers, he really did have a job and all.  But after two days, not only had they not discussed the incident, they hadn’t fucked either. Ianto was beginning to get nervous.

He decided that if Jack hadn’t spoken to him by that evening, he would officially begin to panic. This did not please Ianto. Once again, he was reminded that Jack’s rule was law. He’d grown over-confident in his role in Jack’s life, and was being strictly reprimanded. Shit, he couldn’t even make it until that evening. He began to panic right then and there in the library.

Ianto found himself in an un-familiar position, and, for once it wasn’t with his ankles around Jack’s neck. That had actually become quite familiar over the past few weeks. No, it was the feeling of supremely fucking up at work, made all the more weighty by the fact that he knew he would not get a dressing down in front of everyone. Public humiliation to let everyone know that nobody is really in Jack’s inner circle, no matter how close they think they’ve come.

Ianto would get a very private punishment that would most certainly take hours.  With Jack he thought that he had gotten to the point where he could knuckle down and take his marathon ball-gag sessions pretty well. Jack was not a nightmare fuckpig, intent on abuse. He was generally very considerate and Ianto trusted that if he told Jack to stop--to really, really, for real stop, then Jack would. Jack wouldn’t carve his mark into his flesh or anything ghoulish like that. He didn’t know how he was going to be made to repent, but he knew that Jack was going to make him pay for kicking him out.

Ianto shook himself out of his panic paralysis. He looked at his watch. He looked at his stopwatch. He almost pushed the button, but realized that timing how long it took 60 minutes to make an hour would be far too OCD for even him. Jack was going to be done with his briefing in just about that time. Then, assuming things kept quiet, he would send everyone home. After that: Zero Hour. Jack would either send him away with the others, meaning that he had fucked up beyond all reproach. Or he would be told to stay, which meant that he had his work cut out for him.

He had an hour to kill. Ianto pulled out a decade’s worth of periodicals and set to putting them in numerical order. He was able to lose himself in this fastidious task and the hour went quickly. Upstairs the door rolled back, announcing Jack’s return from his meeting. Ianto gathered up the serials and put them back into their filing box, silently cursing himself for not being able organize the whole box in the allotted time, and casually made his way upstairs.

Jack was teasing Tosh and Owen was pissed about something. Earlier Gwen had awkwardly informed him that she had a “lady doctor” appointment that afternoon, so Ianto figured she’d already left.

He nonchalantly strolled over to the lounge area and began tidying the coffee table. All the while keeping one eye on Jack, waiting to see… something; anything at all. Then Owen and Tosh were leaving. Ianto felt his chest prickle with anxiety and anticipation. Jack stood for a bit, glancing through that week’s issue of Heat that Gwen left lying on her desk. Ianto gathered three empty wine bottles and loudly dropped them into the bin. Did the trick. Jack rolled up Heat and made his way over to the couch. With each step he slapped the magazine against his hand.

“So, do you think Jordan really stole Gareth Gates’s virginity?”

“Well, sir, if the text messages are to be believed, then I would have to say yes.”

Jack laughed. Good sign. Ianto continued, “I was just finishing up. Once I’m done here, I’ll be off.” His hands were sweaty, twisting the trash bag.

“Oh, no hurry, Ianto. Take your time.” Butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth, which was surprising, since Ianto well knew how hot it was in there. Just seeing Jack smile at him made his asshole relax.

“I’d like you to stay late tonight, if that’s OK with you.” Jack didn’t bother even pretending that Ianto had a choice in the matter.

“No, sir. I mean, yes. That will not be a problem at all. I didn’t really have any pl-“ His mouth hung open as Jack stepped close to him and pushed the rolled up Heat into his bottle green waistcoat.

“I have some more work to do right now. So I want you to push that little button in your pocket, the one you like toying with so much, push that button and you come to me when the hand hits 60. I’ll deal with you then.”

Ianto pushed the button. Jack walked away. Shit. Another hour.

Ianto quickly went back to the periodical room and finished sorting the 50’s, this time making sure to complete the task on time. In fact, he was early enough to go to the WC for a quick straightening up. Then he pushed the button again and walked upstairs.

Jack was seated at his desk, his lamp shining up at him dramatically. Ianto knocked and entered. There was a trip hammer in his chest and his flesh felt as though it were very close to burning off. Somehow he managed to speak.

“If there won’t be anything else, sir, I’ll be off.”

“What makes you think that you get out of this so easily? ‘Oh, I cleaned up, sir, I’m going to toddle on home now’.” He mocked his childish accent. “No, you made me a promise and I am here to collect. Get your clothes off, now. I want to see you in your shorts. Then come over here and sit down in front of me.”

Ianto removed his clothes.

“I want you right here in front of me. Criss-cross applesauce, hands in your lap. Hurry up.”

Ianto did as he was told. Jack cock was approximately two inches from his face. He could smell that Jack was already hard and it sent static down his spine. This was going to be amazing.

“A few nights ago I very politely asked if I could be allowed to spend the night in, what I now know to be, sacrosanct bedchamber. I was told that I was allowed to come in and service you, but I had to leave once you had taken your pleasure with me. What do you have to say for yourself?”

“I’m very sorry, sir. See, my mum and my gran-“

“Save it! I do not think you lied to me. I know that your mum and gran did, indeed, arrive at a ghastly hour the next morning, and you joined them for a butch day of antiquing. Hell, I knew they were coming before you even told me. I know your whereabouts at any given moment, you think we don’t track your family too? Get ready for a phone call. Your parents are going on holiday next month and they’re going to ask you to feed the cat while they’re away.”

“Thank you for alerting me, sir.”

“You’re welcome. No, I know you didn’t lie to me just to get me to leave. I’m just really….disappointed that you didn’t want me to meet your mum and gran.”

Ianto looked up at him and pulled an incredulous face. “Really?”

“Yes, really. Kind of. Not the point! You told me I had to leave and I very politely honored your request. But do you remember what you promised me right before I left? You do, I know you do. Say it, what did you promise you’d do for me if I didn’t embarrass you in front of your mum and gran?”

Jack watched Ianto’s pretty, pink cock rise up out of his shorts and lay against his stomach. He was trying to control himself now, and was finding the task to be somewhat daunting. It had been a few days after all. That was a lifetime for Jack to have to go without contact.

Ianto swallowed and spoke clearly. “I said I would eat it right out of your ass, sir.” His balls tightened up in earnest.

“Lick it. You said you would lick it out of my ass. What are you going to lick out of my ass, Ianto? Now, you know as well as anyone that I do enjoy pushing the envelope when it comes to recreation, but I really do put my foot down at scat. So, since that’s never going to happen, what exactly will you be licking out of my ass?”

“Your, um, ejaculate, sir. Your cum. I said that I would lick the cum, actually my cum, when we really get down to it. I will lick my cum out of your ass.”

That did it. Jack’s eyes lit up. The game was afoot.

“You did say that and I’m not ashamed to admit that I am really looking forward to you doing just that.”

Jack pulled his clothes off, down to his underpants. He was truly a man of his time, whenever that may be, because he wore big, blousy pre-war boxer shorts. Never in a million years did Ianto think that would turn his crank, but it most certainly did. Jack’s cock was quite impressive and to see it make it’s way over the top of his flowy drawers reminded Ianto of just how deep into him that Jack was going.

“Well, sir. I really do apologize for my actions of that night. The truth is that, while I know that you really would be a perfect gentleman to my mum and gran, and they, in turn, would find you to be the most charming man they’ve ever met. I’m not sure I’m ready for that.”

Ianto’s voice caught, just for one second. This did not escape Jack. Ianto continued.

“If I were introduce you to my mum, then she would ask me some very serious questions, than I’m not sure I’m ready to answer. Straight away she would know that you and I knew one another on an intimate level. Then she would pull me aside and want to know what the hell was going on.”

By this time Ianto knew that he had completely broken out of the game he and Jack were playing, and was now just spilling his guts right at Jack’s feet. He felt as though he was about to plunge a bamboo sword right through his gut. Jack noticed this as well.

“Even though my life here with Torchwood, and with you, fills 97% of my time, I do get along well with my parents. I talk to them and tell them how I am doing. Naturally I keep all of our secrets, but I don’t hide from my family. If I were to introduce you, they would love you. And when things between us are over…”

Ianto held Jack’s eyes, making sure that Jack understood that Ianto was no blushing English rose.

“When things between us are over, they will wonder why. They will want to know how such a beautiful, charming man could destroy their little boy.”

For the first time since he sat before Jack, Ianto slumped and let his head fall forward.

“It will be bad enough for me. I don’t want them to have to go through it as well.”

Jack knelt down and took Ianto into his arms. He didn’t say anything; Ianto didn’t expect him to. Jack respected him too much to fill his head with false hope. But he held so tightly and kissed his neck, just like he liked it.

It didn’t take long for Ianto to relax. Jack kissed him and stroked his cock. Ianto died a million times and leaked all over Jack’s hand. Captain Jack took over and wasted no time in taking Ianto’s cock onto his tongue. Ianto gave himself over and let Jack absorb all of his worries, even if it was only for a short time.

It didn’t take long for Jack to work Ianto into a frenzy. He was desperate to lose himself completely, but Jack kept him right at the edge for what felt like an eternity. Finally Ianto found his voice.

“Please fuck me. Please fuck me until you come.” His lips drove Jack insane. All he wanted to do was shove his dick between them and stroke Ianto’s face while he fucked it. Instead he knelt between Ianto’s legs, gently pulling them up around his waist. He stroked Ianto’s sticky cock, collecting all of his lube into his palm. He then stroked himself, which slicked his cock up better than any of that water-based shit you bought at the drug store.

Jack didn’t warn Ianto before he slid into him. He wasn’t being cruel, he knew that Ianto was quite ready to take him. Jack went in hard and fast, and stopped, gathering Ianto into his arms and allowing them to settle against one another. Ianto’s hips were cradled against Jack’s knees, while his head rested on Jack’s forearms. Their faces were nearly touching. Ianto wanted to break down and tell Jack that he would gladly spend the rest of his life following him around and cleaning up, just as long as Jack fucked him like this, just like this, every single day. Instead he made a noise not unlike a foghorn.

His eyes rolled back in his head and Jack proceeded to deliver a solid fucking. It wasn’t any sort of insane, make you pass out kind of fuck. It was simply the exact fuck that Ianto needed to fool himself into thinking that Jack would love him forever.

When he came, Ianto melted into Jack. Jack rode him gently, applying perfectly timed pops and humps, successfully bringing the aftershocks right to the surface.

Ianto moaned and purred and stretched like a kitten, grinding his balls against Jack’s hip.

“Thank you, sir.” Ianto’s smile lit his face. Jack looked into his eyes and felt himself shatter just a little bit more. Every time he saw them fall in love, he didn’t think it could possibly hurt any more, but it always did. Jack touched Ianto’s flushed cheek and smiled back. At least he didn’t have to destroy him tonight.

“You’re always welcome.” Jack smiled back.

Ianto did not luxuriate for very long. Jack’s cock was rigid against him hip. He rolled over so that Jack was underneath him.

“Is there anything else you’ll require this evening, sir?” Ianto was at his most formal.

“As a matter of fact there is, Jones. I’m going to need your dick to get real hard, real fast. Then I need you drive it into me repeatedly until you make me shoot my load all over the rug. In this time I will assume that you will have shot your own load straight up my ass.  Once you’ve done that, I need you to take over.”

“As you wish, sir.”

True to form, Ianto followed Jack’s instructions to the T. He fucked Jack slow and hard, then fast and hard, then deep and hard. Jack came, then came again. Then Ianto came. Once the lightning passed, his dick slipped out of Jack and the collapsed together in a heap.

The both drowsed off for a bit, then Jack reached over and grabbed Ianto’s balls really hard. Ianto yelped and sat up with a jolt.

“Dear god, what!?”

Jack also sat up, then rolled over onto his hands and knees. His back arched, opening his ass like a peach. Without thinking, Ianto buried his face in Jack’s ass, licking and sucking like his life depended on it. He recognized the flavor of his own cum, but now it was infused with the essence of Jack. Ianto filled his mouth and held it on his tongue like a communion wafer.

Jack turned and Ianto cradled his head in his arm and gently kissed him. Jack licked Ianto’s cum right out of his mouth. He swallowed and for one little second, Jack felt like he was really alive again.

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