Here Endeth the Lesson

Aug 29, 2008 16:26

Title: Here Endeth the Lesson
Author: Dodo Chaplet
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: XX (It's not THAT filthy)

Set after "Meat." Ianto teaches Jack a little something about respect. In the end, they both feel like shit. Yeah, I guess this one is kind of a bummer. And it's un-beta'd. So there.

Much later that evening, after all that mess between Jack and Gwen regarding Rhys and retcon was over, Ianto and Jack were alone again in the Hub. At the end of the night, no matter what happened, it always came down to the two of them there together. At this point it wasn’t even a choice any more; it was his life. Ianto never once paused to realize what a massive mistake it was to hitch his proverbial apple wagon to Jack’s star. Instead he chose to focus on the fact that he would probably die before his heart got too broken.

Seeing the monumental twist in Jack’s knickers when Gwen told him she’d leave Torchwood for Rhys, Ianto chose to avoid Jack at all costs. That was his problem to work out and Ianto wanted nothing to do with it. Over the past year or so, Jack’s looks at Gwen had stopped hurting as much. But her fawning all over Jack made Ianto grind his teeth and count to ten in order to keep from popping her in her gap-toothed mouth. The fact that she told Jack where to stick his retcon made Ianto feel like he had won. Fuck Jack, let him feel like shit for a while.

Jack was in his office, no doubt waiting for Ianto to come in and make him feel better. Ianto dicked around on the internet for as long as he possibly could, before leaving the tourist office in order to complete the final once-over he gave the Hub every night. That particular night, Ianto wished he could have let it go, but, since they had been out euthanizing space whales all day, the Hub was a wreck.

Bin bag in hand, Ianto tried to ignore Jack, who was stewing in his office, while he cleaned up the area around the sofa. After a couple of minutes, Ianto thought he was going be able to avoid conflict, but when Jack called out to him, he admitted that that was too good to be true.

“Ianto!” Jack bellowed.

At this point in their relationship, personal, not professional, Ianto would not give Jack the pleasure of jumping to his attention. Instead he finished wiping down the coffee table and took time to tie up the litter in a neat package before turning to acknowledge Jack’s summons.

“Yes,” was all he said.

“C’mere,” Jack twitched two upturned fingers in summons.

“What do you need, Jack?” Ianto stood firm.

“I need to talk to you, Ianto,” Jack spoke slowly, as if talking to someone soft in the head.

Ianto set down the trash and stepped toward Jack’s office.

“What kind of burr is under your saddle tonight?” Jack had been drinking.

“There is no burr, Jack. I’m simply trying to clean up after you and yours before I go home.”

“Ianto,” Jack didn’t slur his words, but there was a looseness to his speech that belied his control. “Lest you forget, you’re one of mine.” Jack paused, “Probably moreso than anyone else here.”

“I’m leaving, Jack. Good evening.” Ianto turned to go.

“Stop right there!”

Jack’s voice was so loud that Ianto startled. He stopped, but didn’t give Jack the satisfaction of turning to face him.

“I’m not ready for you to leave.” Jack was all counterfeit charm.

“That’s unfortunate, Jack, as I am leaving.”

Jack got up from his desk, swaggering toward Ianto, who still faced the door.

“What if I’m not ready for you to leave?” Jack stepped up close to Ianto, running his hand beneath his jacket, across his hip. Before he could make it all the way around to Ianto’s ass, Ianto stepped back.

“Jack, I’m not going to play this game with you tonight. You’re drunk and I’m leaving.”

“What game?”

Ianto had to give it to him, Jack really did look like he didn’t know what Ianto was talking about.

“The game where you’re in a foul mood, and you take it out on me.”

“Why would I be in a foul mood?” Bless him, Jack really was going for the gold here. Ianto decided to play along, just to see what he could get Jack to admit.

“Perhaps because Gwen chose Rhys over you right here in front of your team. Am I close?”

The way Jack jumped back, as if stung by a wasp, surprised Ianto. Jack was angrier than he expected.

“She didn’t choose Rhys over me!” Jack’s jaw was clenched.

Ianto stood looking at Jack, waiting to see if he had anything else to say. If he did, there couldn’t be much. No matter what he told himself, Gwen had chosen Rhys.
“Stop looking at me like that!”

“Like what, Jack? Like I’m watching a spoilt child throw a tantrum? Because from where I’m standing that’s exactly what it looks like.”

Ianto did his best to remain aloof, but the truth was, the fire in Jack’s eyes was beginning to frighten him. But something about Ianto’s words must have hit home with Jack, because his jaw un-clenched and he just looked tired, still angry, but tired. Ianto continued.

“I don’t know what you want me to tell you, Jack. If you think I’m going to come in here and give you a hug because Gwen stormed out on you, you’re sorely mistaken.” Ianto felt anger and frustrating begin to build inside of him.

“I didn’t expec-“

“Shut up, Jack,”

Once again fire flickered in Jack’s eyes, but he remained silent.

“I’m not naïve enough to think that you’re going to promise true love always. Hell, most of the time I don’t expect you to tell me where you’re going, much less who you spend your time with. But while I’m working here, and while you’re fucking me, I do expect you to treat me with respect. And that means keeping your…thing for Gwen to yourself.”

Jack slumped against his desk, while Ianto stood before him, one finger jabbing closer and closer to Jack’s chest.

“She made her choice, Jack, and it’s not you. So now it’s time for you to respect that and leave her the fuck be.”

“Since when did you care about her?” Jack sneered.

“I was raised to believe that an honorable man didn’t pursue a woman he knew to be engaged. It has nothing to do with Gwen, in fact, it probably had more to do with Rhys. He’s a good man who doesn’t deserve to be fucked over, especially by a dog like you.”

“If I’m such a bastard, why are you still here?” Jack was cocky, leaning against his desk like it was a sports car.

“I have my reasons.”

“What might those be?”

“Mine. Now, do you need anything else from me?”

“Oh, is the lecture over, Professor? Can I go now?”

“Yes,” Ianto smiled, “the lecture is over. But you can’t go.”

Before Jack could react, Ianto stepped toward him and punched him. Jack’s head snapped back and he reeled to one side, sliding off the desk and landing unceremoniously at Ianto’s feet. Ianto placed his well-polished wingtip in the middle of Jack’s chest and pressed him down to the floor.

“Now it’s time for the oral exam.”

Ianto, keeping his foot on Jack, unfastened his trousers and pulled out his cock. It wasn’t quite hard yet, but seeing the look on Jack’s face as he stroked it was magnificent. He may never be as strong as Jack, or a gifted leader of men, but Ianto was a quick student and Jack had taught him well.

“I’m going to have a seat at your desk, Jack; I want you to show me what you’ve learned about respect.” As he stepped away, Ianto was pleased to see the dusty footprint he’d left on Jack’s dark blue shirt.

When Ianto sat down, and Jack remained on the floor on the other side of the desk, there was a momentary flash of panic. There was every possible chance that Jack would tell him to go fuck himself. Just then Jack got up and walked around so that he was standing in between Ianto’s splayed legs.

“What’s the grading scale on this exam?” Jack was smiling, but the tone of his voice made it clear that he was still quite irritated.

“Pass or fail,” With his thumb, Ianto pressed his dick toward Jack. “Get to work.”

Without breaking eye contact, Jack knelt down and took Ianto’s cock into his mouth. Ianto had to bite his cheek in order to keep from groaning aloud. Perhaps this wasn’t the best way for Ianto to keep the upper hand. Assuming he ever had it to begin with.

Knowing he wouldn’t last, Ianto roughly shoved Jack away, so that the big man rocked back onto his heels. Jack’s dick was hard; Ianto smiled when Jack was unable to keep from pressing it through his trousers.

“Get up. I want you over the desk,” Ianto knew by the look in his eyes that Jack was desperate to get fucked. Jack did as he was told.

“Kiss that blotter, Jack,” Ianto said as he roughly pulled Jack’s braces down and shoved his pants over his ass.

Ianto’s dick was still a little slippery from Jack’s earlier ministrations, but not nearly enough to keep Jack from crying out when he pushed into him. Jack’s hips twitched, trying to get away; Ianto dug his fingers in and fucked him harder.

Within moments, Jack was panting like a whore. Ianto, biting his lower lip, spared Jack no kindness. His hands were firm on the Captain, one between his shoulders, the other on his hip. Every other stroke Ianto would slap Jack’s ass as hard as he could, the sound snapping through the Hub like a gunshot. Once Jack tried to raise his head, but Ianto pushed him back down. With his face mashed against his telephone, Jack came hard across his desk.

Ianto was not far behind. As he started to come he pulled out, stroking himself hard and fast, right up to the very last second, then thrust himself back into Jack, fucking him so hard the desk began to slide across the floor.

When he was done, Ianto stumbled back, blindly, into Jack’s chair. Jack remained spread out over the desk, one eye closed, the other looking at Ianto. The two men regarded one another for what seemed like several minutes. Eventually Jack stood up and fixed his clothes, then walked out, leaving Ianto sitting there, feeling like shit.

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