Totally crushing

Mar 17, 2008 16:11

Ianto dreams of his new boss bending him over and delivering the high, hard one. Good times are had by all.

Ianto had a crush on his boss. He’d been working for him for just under a year now and the crush had reached epic proportion. The crush started early into Ianto’s tenure at Torchwood. Everybody loved Jack, how could they not? Not everybody got to go back to his office and take care of him in the evenings. Ianto knew what Jack needed before he had to ask. Jack didn’t have anyone else to look after him. Ianto knew that there was nobody who could really help Jack, so he took it upon himself to see to Jack’s most immediate needs. If Ianto couldn’t fend off Jack’s demons, the least he could do was make sure he had a clean shirt and took his tea on time.

So much time spent so closely to Jack, it did not take Ianto long to fall under his spell. As the crush gradually evolved into something deeper, Ianto was beginning to realize that the crush was taking him over. It had gone way past puppy love and was now bordering on laser-focused obsession. He dare not be overly familiar with Jack, lest everyone know his secret: He wanted to fuck Jack more than anything he had ever wanted before. It was constant. He spent every waking hour either at the Hub or riding in the SUV. When he did sleep, it wasn’t often at home. He never got a break from it, even when he went home.

Rare was the night that Ianto got to go home and sleep in his own bed. There the crush was almost stronger than ever. With Jack nowhere near him, he felt out of sorts, didn’t know what to do with himself. On those nights he tried to concentrate, just for a moment, on thinking that his life was perfectly normal. He would get home and do a quick inventory of his most mundane possessions, as if their existence assured him of his existence. If he were living in a parallel universe or some other hell dimension, surely he would not need a nose hair trimmer. Sinister forces were at work in those worlds; robots, squid-men, and the like, they didn’t have time to worry about fastidious grooming. So the fact that Ianto knew that he still needed a regular flossing, meant that he was still the same man who loved nothing more than to sleep between clean sheets.

But those nights were few and far between. Ianto was lucky if he saw his own bed once a fortnight. That meant that his entire life was spent at the right hand of a man that made him die 1,000 times a day. A man he wanted so much that he would use any excuse he could to run the other direction; desperately searching for an urgent task three floors away from Jack. He fled out of necessity. If he stayed too close to Jack he was afraid he would vomit all over the man’s boots.

These feelings were entirely new to him. At first he had brushed them aside, chalking it up to hero worship or some long hidden daddy issues. But when he found himself imagining running into Jack in the cold storage room, he began to realize that these feelings went a lot deeper than simple admiration. One does not usually imagine jacking off into the face of someone they respectfully admire.

On this particular night, Ianto had not been home for longer than 15 minutes at a stretch for approximately 16 says. In his near delirium, he was beginning to suspect that the jig was up. Jack knew something was rotten in the state of Tea Boy. Earlier in the day, the whole team had been milling about. Jack bounded down the stairs, playfully calling everyone out on their blatant slacking off. Then Jack turned to Ianto, who was lurking near the shadows, looked him in the eye and said, “Yeah, you guys are just standing around with your dick in your hand. Looks like it’s not just you, Ianto.”

Ianto felt his bowels turn to water. Jack’s eyes were unflinching; Ianto could not return his stare. He couldn’t even bring himself to turn away from the remark and pretend that it did not destroy him. He just stood there in front of everyone, burning with degradation. Jack silently pointed his finger at Ianto, making clear to him, and everyone else, that he was to see Jack in his office at the end of the day. Only then did Ianto turn and walk back to the tourist office.

A couple of hours later, everyone else had gone and it was only he and Jack in the Hub. They both knew full well that they were watching one another on CCTV. After his shaming, as soon as he had gotten back to the office, the first thing Ianto did was flip the channel to the camera that overlooked Jack’s office. He knew from the other feeds that the camera in Jack’s office was looking right at him. Ianto was quite pleased that Jack’s camera was mounted behind the desk, looking out over the front door of the office. That meant that when Ianto was watching Jack on his own monitor, a fact Jack well knew, he was bent at the waist in a most delightful position.

Oh, Ianto had most definitely caught Jack looking at his ass, many times actually. Not too long ago Ianto needed only one hand to count the times Jack checked him out. But those are the only times he actually caught Jack in the act. Who knows how many times a day Jack’s attention was trained on Ianto’s dapper backside. But lately Jack had become more and more obvious. Now he wasn’t even pretending hide his leers. Ianto had these looks burned into his mind. Each night he would slowly jack-off while he flipped through them like a picture show.

There was the time Jack winked at him in the morning meeting. Or the time Ianto was searching for something in the lower shelves of the archive. Jack, who had no reason to be there, came up behind him crouching on the floor, and startled him. Jack claimed to have forgotten what exactly it was that he needed and left straight away. They often stared at one another in the rearview of the SUV. Ianto never attempted to sit in the front seat; he always made sure to sit right behind Jack. Once, just once, they were in the car by themselves. It was only for a few minutes, and Ianto was mute the entire time, but he felt the tension arcing between the two of them. Ianto clung to this imaginary album of looks and feelings like it was his family Bible.

By the time everyone else had left, Jack had been in his office staring at Ianto’s ass for roughly 90 minutes. During that time Ianto had occasionally stood up and busied himself with a small task. He’d look straight into the camera, just long enough to show Jack that he knew exactly what was going on. Then he’d turn around and bend over again. Every time it happened, Jack nearly called Ianto over his comm., urgently requesting his assistance. Instead he clenched his fists and punched the arms of his chair in a desperate, juvenile show of frustration. Ianto saw him doing this, so he arched his back, sticking his ass out just a little further.

Ianto locked the front door of the tourist office and made his way toward the lift. Jack was waiting for him when the doors opened. Ianto was not expecting this. Even thought they’d spent the last hour-and-a-half working each other up, Ianto lost all of his confidence when he saw Jack face-to-face. He felt himself blush, humiliated by the way he had acted.

“Sir,” he blurted out. “Did you need something, sir?” He rubbed his palms down the front of his jacket.

“No, no, Ianto. You’re fine. I don’t need anything right now. I just wanted to talk to you. Come sit down.” Jack gestured toward the couch.

Ianto nodded and silently walked over, perching uncomfortably on the edge of the couch. Jack sat down at the opposite end. No part of them was even close to touching, yet Ianto felt like he was sitting in Jack’s lap. Jack spoke:

“Quite a show you put on for me up there,” he jerked his chin in the direction of the tourist office. “You better watch out, you know what they say about big, bad wolves.”

Ianto’s face was blank. He closed his eyes tightly, swallowed, then slowly opened them and looked at Jack, who was almost smiling; his eyes deadly serious.

“So, I’ve noticed lately that when I need you to take care of something for me, you’re conveniently nowhere to be found. Which is funny, because when I ask anyone else if they’ve seen you, well, they could have sworn that you were just there. You must have stepped out right before I got there.” He raised his eyebrows questioningly.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were trying to avoid me.” Ianto turned his face away from Jack.

“Is that it, Ianto? You’re avoiding me? Why would you do that?” Jack almost looked hurt, and Ianto couldn’t tell if he meant it or not. It took a minute for Ianto to gather his words.

“I’m sorry, sir. I have been avoiding you. But it’s not for anything you have done. Despite the unprofessional manner in which I behaved earlier this evening, your behavior with me is and has always been respectful.” Ianto took a deep breath and continued.

“I have been avoiding you on personal reasons.” Only then did Ianto look at Jack. Jack’s eyes never wavered.

“Well, what might these ‘personal reasons’ be?”

“Sir, if you don’t mind, I’d rather not go into it. It’s personal and has nothing to do with you. Let’s leave it at that.”

“But I think it does have something to do with me. I mean, I know that I have a high opinion of myself, but this time I’m almost certain that this has something to do with me. Am I right?” Jack’s face was completely open. Ianto looked into it and felt all the tension pour out of him like sand.

“Yes, sir, you are correct. I am avoiding you because you are always in my head, right behind my eyes, and when I see you I can’t breathe and I can’t speak, all I can do is look at you. And when you’re right there in front of me, it’s more than I can take. At least when I see you in my head I know there’s no way that you can touch me. But when I am near you I am consumed with the idea that you will choose that very moment to reach out and put your hand on my face.”

Ianto didn’t cry. He didn’t fall apart at all. He had long since resigned himself to the fact that this was the way things were between them, and this is how they would always be, because there was no other option. Ianto would love silently, while Jack saved the world. Ianto would do all that he could to help Jack save the world. There was no settling down in the country and raising spaniels. This was their life together.

“So, in order to keep my sanity, I try to avoid you. Don’t worry, I make sure your needs are met. It’s just that I try and meet those needs from as far away as possible.”

Jack opened his mouth, and then closed it again. Finally he spoke.

“I don’t blame you. Believe me, I know what it’s like to keep people at arms length because you know that there is no way on this green earth that you can spend your life with them. But after so many decades, I finally got to the point where I said, ‘Jack, for all you know, you have forever. It certainly seems as though you do, so you have no reason to believe otherwise. You can’t spend forever all by yourself’.”

He reached over and took Ianto’s slim hand, rolling the fine bones between his thumb and forefinger.

“I figure that as long as we are honest with one another about how things may or may not be in the future, there’s no reason that we should be spend our nights apart.”

Ianto grabbed Jack’s hand and pulled it up to his face, kissing it like a security blanket.

“Come on,” Jack said. “Come with me.”

Ianto stood up and followed Jack up the stairs to his office and down the ladder into his bedroom. Once he was in there, Ianto didn’t feel nervous at all. For the fist time ever Ianto held Jack’s undivided attention. He stood before Ianto, arms to his sides. Ianto stepped close and ran his hands across Jack’s chest. He could feel Jack’s breathing. Surely, if he were in a parallel universe, he would not be able to smell Jack’s skin.

Jack let Ianto undress him, then led him to the bed and made him lay down. Ianto was fully dressed, down to his shoes and jacket. Feeling Jack naked on top of him was maddening. He held Jack’s waist and ground his dick against his hip. Jack gently pulled Ianto’s hands over his head, then slipped his own hands down his where they finally settled on removing Ianto’s tie. Ianto lay back and watched Jack make his way through all of his ties, tucks, and pins. Not once did Jack become frustrated. He took great care in unfastening all of Ianto’s buttons. His shirt and waistcoat were so familiar that Jack was able to hurry without being sloppy, like an expert typist. Ianto removed his own trousers.

Jack ground his cock against Ianto, who arched up to meet him. Their lips and hands and cocks were everywhere, sucking and pushing at one another. Jack sat up and grabbed Ianto’s hips, dragging him down the bed and up onto Jack’s lap. Jack firmly grasped Ianto’s legs and pushed them over his head, folding him up like a Murphy bed. Then ran his tongue right into Ianto’s asshole. Ianto made a noise halfway between an hysterical laugh and a terrified scream. Jack quickly moved up and buried his face in Ianto’s stomach. Ianto was silently relieved. He didn’t know how much of Jack’s tongue in his ass that he could have taken.

Jack stretched out alongside Ianto, turning him so that they faced one another. Ianto didn’t know whether to stare into Jack’s eyes, or bury his face in his neck and lose himself. Ianto chose the latter, looking Jack in the face made him feel ripped open. They cuddled close to one another, Jack’s cock sliding between Ianto’s thighs, gently thrusting his hips. Ianto pushed his cock hard against Jack’s stomach. They fucked at each other almost desperately.

Ianto was exactly where he wanted to be, but there was still no small amount of embarrassment. For months he had imagined what it would be like to have Jack undress him. He had come up with so many different scenarios. Sometimes Jack would dramatically pop his shirt open, showering them in a cascade of buttons and studs. Perhaps he would go slowly, taking his time and teasing Ianto all the way. His favorite scene was the one where Jack comes to him in the night and finds him nude and warm underneath the duvet.

Ianto underestimated the power of this fantasy. When it popped into his mind, Jack’s immediacy pushed him over the edge. He came hard and fast up Jack’s stomach, sticking them both together even further. Ianto was mortified.

“I’m sorry, sir.” Ianto could barely speak.

Jack paused, pulling himself back to look Ianto in the face.

“Why are you sorry? Don’t ever be sorry.” He ran his thumb across Ianto’s cheekbone. “Besides, we’re just getting started. Now you have that out of the way. You can relax and concentrate on making me come. Then I can reciprocate. Technically, we could go back and forth all night.”

Jack smiled and pulled Ianto’s leg up over his hip, spreading his ass. He slipped a little further down and ran his cock across Ianto’s asshole. He could feel Ianto relaxing for him, opening up to let him in. Ianto tried to groan, but his breath was short; it hitched in his throat. Jack closed his eyes and pushed harder, forcing more breath out of Ianto. Jack was quickly reaching the point of no return. He grabbed Ianto’s face, “Are you sure this is what you want?”

Ianto looked at Jack with hooded eyes, and nodded yes. “I’m sorry, sir. I’m quite nervous. I don’t know-I mean-- You have to tell me what to do.”

Jack slid his thumb into Ianto’s mouth. It was slightly tart and smelled like Ianto’s cum. Ianto used his tongue to push Jack’s thumb into his cheek, where he gently gnawed it like a caramel. Jack’s mouth opened up a bit, almost like a reflex.  He pushed his thumb deeper down Ianto’s throat, resisting the urge to remove it and ram his cock in its place.

Ianto whimpered and Jack realized that he was actually pressing his hand on Ianto’s face, forcing him down into the pillow, his mouth awkwardly wrenched open. Jack pulled his hand out and kissed Ianto’s mouth, now a bit bruised and swollen.

“I will tell you exactly what to do.” He smiled gently and stroked his wet thumb down Ianto’s neck, until he felt the racing pulse underneath the skin.

“Lay on your back, just like this.” He rolled Ianto over, taking time to arrange the thin pillow a little more comfortably behind his head. Jack was pleased to see that Ianto’s cock was already getting hard again. He ran the palm of his hand up the top-side of Ianto’s cock, pressing it into his stomach and making him sigh.

Jack licked his other hand and reached to stroke his own cock, which by this point was glistening with pre-cum. Just one or two pulls told Jack that he was going to have to get himself under control if he wanted this to last very long.

With his fingers sufficiently wet, Jack slid one, then two, then three right up Ianto’s ass. Ianto screamed, this time in earnest, and pulled away as if he’d been electrocuted.

“Jesus fucking Christ! Stop!”

Jack pulled his fingers out and held up both hands in the universal sign of surrender.

“Holy shit, are you OK?”

Ianto looked stricken. “I’m not sure. Give me a minute.”

“Take as long as you need. I’m really sorry, I thought, well, I thought you knew what to expect.”

Ianto shot Jack an irritated look.

“What part of ‘You have to tell me what to do’ lead you to believe that I knew what to expect?”

Jack squeezed his eyes shut. “Yeah, good point. I’m so sorry. I guess I thought that you needed guidance with, I don’t know, like what you could do that I liked. Or how we could be more comfortable…” He trailed off. “You mean you’ve never played around back there?”

“That’s not what I meant. And other than some general exploration, no, I have not played around back there.”

“I see that now. I’m sorry, I should have warned you.” Jack had begun stroking Ianto’s cock back to life. He was pleased to see Ianto’s eyes roll back, a small breath escaping his lips.

“I don’t want to sound like a jerk or anything, but,” Jack ran his thumb across the head of Ianto’s cock. “Does this mean we have to stop?”

Ianto’s eyes flipped open. “Absolutely not. You must keep going so that I will not be traumatized by this experience.” His face was blank as he put his hand over Jack’s, so they were both jerking him off.

“Gladly,” said Jack. He leaned down again and began eating Ianto’s ass. Ianto held tight to the headboard and let himself go.

After what seemed like ages, Jack brought his face up, licking Ianto’s balls as he went past.

“Are you ready to try again?” His two fingers rested against Ianto’s ass, as if politely waiting to be invited in.

“Go slowly, please.” He took deep breaths and willed himself to relax. He felt the head of Jack’s cock press up underneath his balls. He arched his neck to look and saw Jack holding his own cock, gently guiding it to its mark. Jack’s cock was so hard that it pushed into Ianto without hesitation. Just as the head penetrated him, Ianto tensed up, just for a second. Jack put his palm onto Ianto’s slick chest; reassuring him and making him lay back. Ianto closed his eyes and felt Captain Jack slide right into his heart.

It still hurt, quite badly, as a matter of fact. But once Jack was buried deep inside, the pain wasn’t as sharp. Jack held still, allowing Ianto to accustom himself to Jack’s turgid intrusion. Then, when he felt Ianto relax a bit more, he began to gently rock in and out. Ianto rewarded him with a deep moan.

The pain was now gone, replaced with another feeling so intense that Ianto almost felt like he had to get away from it. Never before had he been fucked from the inside out. He felt himself start to come right away, but the spasms deep inside him were slower, like giant waves crashing through him. Far different from any other climax he’d ever had. He now knew what it was like to fully give yourself to someone.

Ianto looked up at Jack’s face. His eyes were wide and wild, his lips parted. Ianto knew they would both come soon, he just didn’t know when. It could be right at that very moment that he was coming, for his brain and cock and ass had fused together into a pulsing energy that made time meaningless. He could have been coming this whole time, and he just didn’t realize it. Or they will both reach a pinnacle the likes of which Ianto had never experienced. This made Ianto a little nervous, but before he could panic, Jack clutched his hips tightly and began fucking him with hard, measured strokes.

Ianto saw the lights behind his eyes and knew his hands were spastically clenching at Jack. Then the bottom dropped out of his world and he was falling; Jack holding tight to him the entire time.

After a moment, Ianto’s mind cleared. Jack had shot deep inside him. He felt his asshole clench as if to hold it in for as long as he could. They were lying face to face, just like they had started out. Jack reached out his arm and wrapped it around Ianto’s back, pulling him close and burying his face in his neck.

“You smell so good when you get fucked.” His breath tickled Ianto’s skin.

Ianto laughed. “Thank you, sir. Perhaps we can find a way to distill that fragrance and sell it at Boots. A Torchwood fundraiser of sorts.”

Jack playfully bit him. “No way, I want that smell all to myself. It’s going to stay with me for hours, on my hands, on my sheets, on my face. It drives me crazy.”

“Sir, are you implying that I smell unpleasant the rest of the time?” Ianto twisted his head to allow Jack more access to his throat. Jack obliged by gently sucking the skin right below his ear. Ianto shivered.

“Are you kidding me? I love that smell too. Your soap, and the stuff you put in your hair to keep it neat.” He ran his fingers through Ianto’s already mussed hair. “At the end of the day you smell like sweat and coffee; sometimes dusty, if you’ve been in the archives. You smell like Ianto. I know when you’re behind me, waiting for me to need something.”

Ianto smiled, suddenly shy again. He wished Jack would pull the sheet up over them, but Jack made no move to do so. Jack must have felt this change come over Ianto.

“Is everything OK?”

“Yes, sir, it is. I’m just feeling a little shy right now is all it is.” He pulled away and sat up on the edge of the bed, reaching down to pull on his pants. Ianto quickly gathered the rest of his clothing, and then looked at Jack who had not moved off of the bed.

“Is there anything else you’ll be requiring this evening, sir?” Ianto’s voice was impersonal and professional, even though he was standing barefoot with his shirt hanging open, Jack’s cum running down his leg. Jack held out his hand and Ianto stepped over and took it.

“What happened tonight was not an accident. Nor was it a one-shot shag. We are still going to be working side-by-side and I need to know that you are comfortable with me. I have to trust you.” Jack spoke quietly.

“You can trust me, sir. I promise. I’m just a bit overwhelmed right now. I’m going to go home, if you don’t mind.” He pulled his hand away and began fastening his shirt.

Jack rolled off the bed, his long cock lolling between his legs. Ianto stared and felt the blood rush to his face.

“I understand how you feel. Go home, Ianto. Go home and crawl into your own clean bed. Sleep in and tomorrow come back to me. I really do count on you, Ianto. I need you.” He leaned in to kiss Ianto’s face, then stepped back and allowed him to go.

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