Rec: X Men First Class

Dec 08, 2011 08:19

Title: Big Gay Mutant Miracle Baby
Fandom: XMFC
Pairing: Erik/Charles
Summary: Erik is under the mistaken impression that Charles is somehow pregnant, and he's so happy that Charles doesn't have the heart to tell him that the bump he's caressing is just a food baby.

When they landed in Westchester it was already dark, and Erik dragged Charles straight to bed and fucked him silly. Literally - afterwards, Charles could barely do more than wiggle around like a noodle. The entire time, every motion and thought from Erik was laced with love and victory and second chances and family and future and bonding and it was intoxicating. He kept saying things like "It was meant to be" and "This time is going to be different" and as he came he shouted "Our children will rule the world!" which, again, all seemed like weird things to say, but Charles's mind was too melted from arousal to care all that much.

I read this while on hold with the electricity company and I kept desperately hoping that the guy wouldn't come back on the line while I was laughing hysterically:DDD

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erik lehnsherr/charles xavier, fic, x-men

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