Mar 01, 2004 17:40
you guy...DONT COMPLAIN ANYMORE. im SO sick of hearing last year was better...feldman this feldman that...i wasnt here i dont know how he tought and frankly i dont give a flying fuck because it doesnt matter! he isnt here! DR J is here.
im sorry but those of u who boast about being in See How They was NOT that all...murder room and funny money were WAY stop thinking yall are gods because of it. start to act! dont whine and complain that this play is going to suck because ur doing it to urself and bringing down the cast when you are the ones that are supposed to be setting the standards!
you are ruining the theatre department with your damn negative attitudes. you have a problem with the theatre...DONT do it. do community theatre because collins hill doesnt need to have a reputation for bad attitudes...we already got rid of feldman.
tyler. im glad that pulling how many shows i have been in agains urs makes you feel better but i kno that i was HAPPY doing what i have done and not had a bad attitude about it! see how they run...once again..wasnt amazing
get an attitude check guys...its time to kick it in to gear...we have little over 3 weeks left and we still arent focused! and shit im guilty of this to but damnit! shape up...honestly...uperclassmen SHOULD kno better...i guess feldman didnt teach good work ethic!