Free at least.....

Apr 21, 2007 16:33

well I have been in Georgia all of like 5 days, and so far things are going great. I am almost giddy, with happiness. I already have a decent chance at getting a job at a call center as a dispatcher, working with two of my friends down here. My family have all met Misha, and so far they all seem to really like him, even my mom. My mom likes no one. So yea. We both went to see my niece's softball game this morning and then went to get haircuts. I stopped by Lowe's and saw some of my old coworkers, which was pretty cool. Hopefully will be going to a local fur meet tomorrow night at Taco Mac in Alpharetta.

It's so great to be away from the drama/craziness of that house up in Norfolk, to not have to walk on eggshells with a man who could never be pleased, who is so far beyond insane its not even funny. I don't think I even realized how miserable I was until I got away from it. I mean who demands that you be nice and pay extra rent? you don't get compensation for being nice, being nice is a selfless act that expects no return, not demanding cash payments. I could write much much more on that whole house, and the people there, but I don't want it to turn into a post trashing them. They know they will screw themselves over soon enough, and thats why they are so miserable.

I can look back on all of this now, and see how my life is going up, and going places, and there, especially his is going to hell....

*sigh* life is great.
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