- You Change The 'I' In 'Live' To An 'O' -

Sep 18, 2003 00:00

The last few days in a nutshell:
  • Not many LJ updates
  • Lip pierced centrally
  • Loved lip
  • Loved myself, felt much more confident
  • Albino chipmunks seen and adored
  • Public game of Eye-Toy in Dixons
  • Invited to Sarah's party
  • Hated by parents for lip piercing
  • Almost thrown out of house
  • Shouted at by my mum 'til my 11 yr old sister started crying cos she was worried about me leaving home
  • Phone call to Jen - made to feel better by her. She's the bestest ¦-)
  • Woke up in morning to phone call from 14 yr old sister asking if I could take her P.E. kit to school for her
  • Bus trip to Bramhall High
  • Drop off kit @ office
  • Missed bus home so walked 2 miles in the relatively nice but scorchy sun
  • Decided that having my lip pierced wasn't worth how much it was upsetting my littlest sister
  • 20mins trying to wrench the ball out of the BCR
  • Dad v. happy I'd removed the 'metallic abomination that scarred and tainted my attractive face'.
  • Hospital appointment - waited 1¾ hours to see doc, saw his 'sidekick' for 3mins then went home, entirely pointless visit
  • Mum immensely apologetic about being 'nasty' previous night
  • Apologies all-around
  • Jon, Dave, and Jen round to watch video of '28 Days' and generally hang out. Best night I've had in absolutely fucking ages. These are the times that I simultaneously miss and savour =D
  • End.

Yarrr! This b stolen from Rose, who I discovered is Cleo's lil' sista.
Sweet =)

-- Name: Jamey Xander Hart
-- Birthdate: 25th Oct 1983
-- Birthplace: Stockport
-- Current Location: Stockport
-- Eye Color: Hazel
-- Hair Color: Brown
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
-- Innie or Outtie: Innie, but it's been sliced and diced a lot =S

-- Your heritage: I have none. My parents are from Manchester and London. C'est tout.
-- The shoes you wore today: New[ish] grey sk8-style trainers I bought for £10. w00t!
-- Your hair: Short.
-- Your weakness: Dependency. And flirtatiousness.
-- Your fears: Not having any friends =S
And passenger planes crashing onto the building that I'm in.
-- Your perfect pizza: Ham, pineapple, and pepperoni
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: Licking Kiera Knightley's left nipple! ¦P
-- What is your most overused phrase: Mother-Hubbard? I duno.
-- Your thoughts when you first wake up: 'What to wear, what to wear...'
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Eyes, smile, or lips.
-- Your best physical feature: I'm just generally ok to look at I think. I have piercings too, that's one of my best features! =)
-- Your bedtime: Between 22:00 and 04:00.
-- Your greatest accomplishment: Not being dead, I guess.
-- Your most missed memory: Aquinas Prom night ='J Such a lovely fucking night.

Do you prefer
-- Pepsi or Coke: Blah, I can't tell the difference.
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Bugger King. All the way.
-- Single or group dates: I wouldn't know.
-- Adidas or Nike: Hmm, probably Nike, simply for their 'Just Do It' slogan! Genius.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Tea?! Fuck off. Alright, I'll take a sip of that ice tea, but it's going down ur cleavage if I don't like it.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: We talking ice-cream here? Both. Oh, well shockolah in that case then.
-- Cappuccino or coffee: FUCK HOT DRINKS. I HATE YOU ALL!
-- Boxers or briefs: Boxers without a trace of doubt in my mind.

Do you
-- Smoke?: Never.
-- Sing well?: Not particulalry, I think it depends on the song tho?
-- Take a shower every day?: Nope, I'm sorry if that offends u 8-|
I just don't
-- Have a crush(es)?: Always.
-- Who are they?: Oh God, there's a few... Alex A, Alex H, Ilona, Ben, Sam, Vikki, Milli, etc.
-- Do you think you've been in love?: I can't stop thinking of The Darkness song, 'I Believe In A Thing Called Love'! Hehe. Yes, I have been in love... I don't want to talk about it tho.
-- Want to go to Uni?: I'm there. Well, not physically - but I'm enrolled.
-- Like/d school?: Some parts.
-- Want to get married?: I guess so...? Not mad-keen tho.
-- Type with your fingers on the right keys?: Abso-fucking-lutely, Bob.
-- Believe in yourself?: It obviously depends in what context, but I'm sure I'd try and steer clear of things that I think I wouldn't accomplish... So, yeh - I believe in myself.
-- Get motion sickness?: I do when I read and I'm moving along at speed... Uck, headachey.
-- Think you're attractive?: Yeh, definitely.
-- Think you're a health freak?: Not particularly. I try and stay as healthy as poss tho.
-- Get along with your parents?: Nyeh, I get along but I don't love them. But they are good to me.
-- Like thunderstorms?: Not particularly. The Sky dish reception fucks up!
-- Play an instrument?: I have a leccy guit and a leccy bass, but I don't really class myself as a musician at all.

In the past month, did/have you
-- Drank alcohol?: Yes, moderate amounts.
-- Smoke(d)?: No, never.
-- Done a drug?: Only legal ones.
-- Had sex?: Eek, only with myself.
-- Go on a date?: *Punches PC monitor whilst incoherently muttering psycho-babble not dissimilar to the Tasmanian Devil*
-- Go Shopping?: Yes! Family Guy Series 3 box set of DVDs! =P Lip piercing at reduced price [£5 off]! Thursday - War All The Time from TowerRecords.com, Good Charlotte ticket from WayAhead.com.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: Never even eaten one... *puts head in hands and sobs*
-- Eaten sushi?: Yuck. ND to the Nth
-- Been on stage?: Not recently no. But I did Puff Daddy - What You Gonna Do? for karaoke in high school and all the kids thought I was relatively cool cos it had about 16 'fucks' in it and a few 'bitches' thrown in for good measure =)
-- Been dumped?: No relationships = no dumpings.
-- Gone skating?: Nope.
-- Made homemade cookies?: Dreamt about making them for someone else... How gay am I?
-- Been in love?: Err, well I guess so. But it didn't start in the past month.
-- Gone skinny dipping?: Nah, seen pictures of my friends doing it tho XD
-- Dyed your hair?: Not in the past month - once I tried to bleach it and it went ginger. Baaaaad.
-- Stolen anything?: No.

Have you ever
-- Played a game that required the removal of clothing?: Mmmm, Lyn's bra. Yum!
-- If so, was it mixed company?: Oh yes =P
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated?: God, who hasn't?!
-- Been caught "doing something"?: Never. I want to be.
-- Been called a tease?: Probably. I duno.
-- Gotten beaten up?: No, I usually stay away from fighting. I did hit a few guys in junior/high school tho.
-- Shoplifted?: Nope. I was an accessory to shoplifting tho - when Hannah 'accidentally' stole some glasses for Danny =)
Oh, once I took a Playlist CD from HMV cos it said 'free' on the front. I knew that there was smallprint but I didn't bother reading that X)
-- If so, did you get caught?: Nah, I don't think they were bothered.
-- Changed who you were to fit in?: Well, I guess so yeh.

-- Age you hope to be married?: I don't care.
-- Numbers and names of children: Err, I'd like maybe 2 girls or 2 boys. And I like the names Tori, Kerry, Chris, and err... Seth. No, they are cool names tho. No?
-- Describe your dream wedding: Happy. That's all it needs to be, full of happy things =D
-- How do you want to die?: ...Young? And quickly.
-- What do you want to be in life?: Loved. Befriended by more people. A competent computer code-writer/software engineer type thing.
-- What country would you most like to visit?: Italy sounds quite nice.

Opposite sex
-- Best eye color?: Brown! Big, brown, and round please.
-- Best hair color?: Black, brunette. Redhead or blonde at a push, if they are nice people.
-- Short or long hair?: Short is sexier. Some women with partially-shaved heads turn me on. I think shoulder-length is the most beautiful tho.
-- Best height?: Shorter than me is very nice and feels right.
-- Best weight?: I don't care. I like small boobs tho, and that usually means girls with little or no meat on them - so 'not much' I guess.
*salivates over Alex's body*
-- Best articles of clothing?: Tassley baggy punk-raver trousers, tight black t-shirts, blue t-shirt with white sleeves, B&W Eclipse long-sleeved t-shirt, all my baseball caps!
-- Best first date location?: Err, I wouldn't care so long as there was someone there with me.
-- Best first kiss location?: Hand! Oh, ok... Well anyway - hand is nicer than mouth or cheek.
Maybe a cinema? In fact I don't really care again.

-- Number of girls I have kissed in my life?: 5 ish?
-- Number of girlfriends you've had?: ...3 *shuffles feet and looks at floor*
-- Number of boys I have kissed?: 2 or 3 I think.
-- Number of boyfriends you've had?: Nada.
-- Number of drugs taken illegally?: None.
-- Number of people I could trust with my life?: Just one atm.
-- Number of CDs that I own?: Lost count... High hundreds or low thousands maybe.
-- Number of piercings?: Had 15 done, 4 have been taken out/rejected.
-- Number of tattoos?: None. I'm worried that if I start I won't be able to stop.
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Once I think - GCSE results.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret?: Small, stupid things that I've said or done. Nothing major.

Ahhh, right.
I'm going to go and sleep now - that took me ages... 1½ hours!
*Slumps forward and starts snoring*
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