Oct 20, 2005 00:19
It's funny how reliant you get on habits, or how when you expect something and it's not there when you get back it's just a little disapointing. Such is life, you can't control everything...On that note, the YA group had 12 people show up tonight, i'ts like watching a fucking kid grow up, I'm rediculously attached (and possesive) of it. But like people are coming n and throwing allt hese new wild ideas out there, and it's kinda splitting the group up and it's way to arly to do that...way to early. Just like this guy that's all like lets read books and join politcal campaigns, and I'm all like dude, I don'te ven have time to read my assigned books, go start a book club or something if you really want that.. Or james, james is your periannial former youth advisor who smoked upw ith the youth group. He's also over obsessive about his spa for the mind thing, or health club for the mind, I forget how he raizes it, but in anycase, he came to the group for the first time and was like bucket works this bucket works that, and I'm just like dude, chill out and I dunno I don't wannah be the authorritiative dictator, but like bah I'm torn I wannah guide this to a place where it will be successful but I dont' wannah trample people, it's tough. I'll figure it out, anyways calc final tommorw, I'm gonna go to bed for real shortly....just for the record if the thyping sucks for this entry, it's because I did the whole thing with my eyes closed.