SPN Fic: Accountability (Gen, PG, In My Time of Dying)

Jan 30, 2007 02:08

Title: Accountability
Author: Dodger Winslow
Genre: Gen
Word Count: 5,020
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Up to In My Time of Dying
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys, I'm just stalking them for a while.

Summary: Karl Buckman had been driving a big rig since he was eighteen, and he’d never even had so much as a speeding ticket until now. For the life of him, he didn’t ( Read more... )

spn fic

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Comments 79

tobemeagain January 30 2007, 08:50:11 UTC
I was wondering at Karl's need to express himself, he seemed really driven and then it started to make sense. Especially since it was Sam that saw him first, could hear him. This may sound odd, but this story is sweet in taht it gives him completion, yeah that did sound odd, but I am not really sure how else to phrase it. Very good.


dodger_winslow January 30 2007, 09:25:05 UTC
Thanks. I just got to wondering whatever happened to the truck driver himself. He seemed really distraught when he realized he had to be the one who'd smashed the Impala, and that made me wonder how he dealt with the weight of guilt when he couldn't even remember doing what he did.


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dodger_winslow January 30 2007, 09:23:36 UTC
Thanks. :D


harrigan January 30 2007, 12:14:42 UTC
I love episode codas when they are well-done and this one is - very satisfying!


dodger_winslow February 1 2007, 21:44:57 UTC
Thank you. I kinda wondered what if on that trucker, so I thought why not?


vaznetti January 30 2007, 12:15:59 UTC
Ah, I really like the twist here -- it puts everything in a slightly different light.


dodger_winslow February 1 2007, 21:46:28 UTC
It was kinda funny cause the twist wasn't there the first time I wrote it, so I had a story that already portrayed him as a person first, then I played with that when I realized, oh, crap!


silverweave January 30 2007, 12:16:42 UTC
That was *amazing*. By far the best post season one / season two kick off fic I've read.

Eloquent, moving and I did not see the end coming at all. I fell in love with Karl and you got Sam and Dean down to a pummelled t as well. Just wonderful.

*adds to memories, pimps like mad*

Also, you've given me a direct excuse to use this icon *points*.


dodger_winslow February 1 2007, 21:47:49 UTC
LOL! That's the perfect icon for this story. :D

Thanks for pimping! It was fun to write someone completely undefined by the series that I could play with as much as I could play with Karl. And I love outsider views of the boys, so that was a kick, too.


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