Nov 10, 2006 00:42
Okay, I don't mean to be a snarky bitch, really I don't (okay, maybe I do, just a little), because seriously, I liked the The Usual Suspects. It was fun. And it had Jason Gedrick in it, which can never be a bad thing (well, okay often it is a bad thing, cause he does some really crappy stuff, but he always looks good doing it, you've gotta give him that). And it made Exorcist jokes: awesome. And he called Pete Ponch. Double awesome.
But really, guys ... how stupid do you think I am?
So who, besides me, actually made cat-has-a-hairball sounds when the cops let a lawyer pass notes back and forth between two suspects under arrest in a murder case who are being questioned separately FOR A FRAKKIN REASON!!! And come on, come on, come on! Can anyone say conflict of interest? Cause t'were I Dean, I'd sure as shit have to object to the same lawyer representing me who is representing my brother and recommending that he turn states evidence against me! Son of a bitch! I'm glad Sam is pre-law cause whoever wrote this episode sure as fuck wasn't.
And evidently, they haven't ever dealt with cops either. Pete said Dean was being transfered and then just TOOK him? Hello? Without paperwork or anything? Then when a prisoner who is being held on suspicion of murder gets taken out of a secure facility with no transfer orders anywhere in the pipeline by a rogue cop who then won't answer any of the dispacher's attempts to contact him .... no one's going to question that prisioner getting killed while trying to escape? THAT's Pete's "there's a way out" plan? Holy crap, he really DID panic, didn't he?
And not to be too detail oriented, but when a death omen shows herself to you, aren't you either supposed to die or be in emminent danger of dying? Cause Clarie there got her signals mixed when she started showing her shit to lady cop. Shouldn't she have shown herself to gonna-get-shot-in-the-head-soon Dean instead? Cause till lady cop actually FOUND the body and realized her boy toy was the git behind the curtain, she wasn't really a candidate for the death omen, was she?
Maybe they should have just called Claire a spirit instead of a vengeful spirit or a death omen. Cause she so wasn't a death omen, dammit.
But the one that got me, the one that really, really, really got me was this: When you shine a light through a window with solid lettering on it, what happens on the wall where that light falls is light everywhere BUT the lettering, not the letters showing up in all glowy light on the brick wall.
But I enjoyed the episode anyway. And my hubs enjoyed it a lot because I was making all these little cat-has-a-hairball noises all the way through the sucker, and none of them had anything to do with either Jeff or Jen looking particularly hot in some kind of bloody or scruffy way this time. He thought that was an awesome change of pace.
So I guess I'm just a little disappointed. I really had high hopes for the St Louis thing finally catching up to Dean. And I was so hoping for some more complex character dynamics going on here, which if they'd walked that road, I might have even been able to hack around all the glaring holes in the story logic.
But give me a break. Are no male cops ever going to believe the Winchesters? Damn. Must be an estrogen thing that makes female cops more vulnerable to the truth. Cause yeah, that is DEFINATELY what the implication is they are more vulnerable to than their male counterparts, right?
And what I wouldn't have given for the guy going to vigilante Dean in the head to have actually been a good cop frustrated by the fact that this guy he really believed did this was going to get away with it. How much better this episode would have been if they'd just tweaked a few things away from the obvious or hackneyed and given us a little depths.
A cop whose really does think his good friend and that friend's wife were brutally whacked by a murderous fucknut who'd already weasled his way clear of the system once and was looking like he was going to do it again, even though he was caught bloody-handed so to speak ... THAT cop taking Dean out and being ready to whack him in the name of justice would have been an almost redemptive way to take it.
And the whole partners-in-love BS. I mean, give me a fucking break! damnit. But I would have even let that slide if they could have stuck with the little hand on the chin gesture which, in combo with Gedrick's guilty response when other cops came around the corner, was all they needed to tell the tale. But no, must hit on head with kiss in hall. Like a fuckin cop carrying on a clandestine relationship with her partner would EVER do that. Hang on, I think I've got a hairball again.
And absolutely, Pete's going to buy his heroin-dealer-fence a custom-made necklace that he's then going to leave on the fucking corpse. Why not just leave a note clenched up in her hand that says "Pete did it." And just for good luck, he's going to buy that SAME custom-made necklace for his new cop girlfriend cause, you know, once you take the time and effort to custom design a piece of jewelry for your heroin fence (such a deep and meaningful relationship, that), you should totally just keep re-purposing that piece for all your later girlfriends. Especially if you've left that little calling card on a corpse you put in a wall that your cop girlfriend might actually see some day, t'were it to be discovered.
Well, at least it was fun. And snarky in a fun way. But still ... come on guys, how stupid do you think I am?
(Next week looks good though)