SPN Fic: Bless Me Father (Gen, R)

Oct 18, 2006 14:02

Hey, all. Been going through a bit of a writing dry spell: think I might have burned out for a while there. My mojo seems to have come back from the Carribean though, so here's the piece that brought me back home. Hopefully, this means Seasons will start clicking again, and I can get that bitch closed for the final word count. In the mean time ( Read more... )

spn fic, jim murphy, ep: everybody loves a clown, ep: faith, chart: paranormal_100, dean

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Comments 59

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dodger_winslow October 19 2006, 19:00:30 UTC
Thank you so much. :D LOVE your icon ... you made that one, didn't you?


writingpathways October 18 2006, 20:08:14 UTC
That was gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. So Dean.


dodger_winslow October 19 2006, 19:02:21 UTC
Thanks! Dean rocks my little socks ... especially when he's trying to be all internalized about what's messin with his head.


wilwarin1 October 18 2006, 20:28:39 UTC
Dude? YOU ROCK MY SOCKS OFF!! Time and again.

This? AWESOME! I went from smiling fondly at Jim's presence, to feeling sad for Dean, because even in his dream he can't open up about his feelings all that well, to grinning like mad at John and him 'correcting' Dean, to crying for Dean, because...well... Poor woobie!!

I am truly awed at how well you are able to make these characters sound like themselves, how by words you allow me to see the pictures to go along with them. Just WOW!!

Amazing piece of work, lady! I'm so happy you've found your muse again.

Could you please find me mine again too? She ran off last weekend, took her suitecase and all.


dodger_winslow October 19 2006, 19:04:34 UTC
Thanks so much. I was talking to my muse yesterday, and she said she saw yours down in the islands, too; lying out on the beach with a Pina Colada and a hot man. From the scene she described, I think porn may be coming to you, soon ... ;)


wilwarin1 October 20 2006, 09:33:46 UTC
She's got a hot man?! Oh darn, that's so not fair!!

And yeah I hope that porn is coming my way (can't remember the last time I....), because I've got to write some John/Demon porn before the 23rd and at this rate nothing's gonna happen.

and then there's the Halloween challenge I've got to finish...

Muse? Come back PLEASE!!


apieceofcake October 18 2006, 20:38:14 UTC
It's so sad that Dean can only really cry in his dreams :-(

Enjoyed it, thank you :-)


dodger_winslow October 19 2006, 19:05:20 UTC
You're most welcome. And thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


phantomas October 18 2006, 21:34:56 UTC
you're making me HURT, woman. I want John back.
Dean's dreaming and his dreaming not being his, not completely, not really, it's scary - and John being there, whcking him in the head for disrespecting Pastor Jim....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Gimme John back, please? *makes puppy eyes*
I love the words play you've got going in the dialogue, very tricky.

thank you. *pouts* *wants John back*

*pokes you for Seasons* :)


dodger_winslow October 19 2006, 19:07:04 UTC
You know, I think the toughest thing about this piece was avoiding making any kind of specific statement about what John told Dean. Or about where John actually is. Cause you know the moment I did, I'd just get Kripked. But I had to keep reminding myself of that to keep from going there. :D

And I want John back, too!

Soon, I'm thinking. ;)


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