Just Fair Warning ...

Oct 03, 2006 18:58

Just sose y'all know: I will sic an infestation of lice demons on your ass if you mention ANYTHING spoilery for future SPN eps on my journal or in the comments for my journal.

Not that I'm a vindictive sort or anything, but this is a 100% Spoiler Free Zone. Because we often talk character motivations and meta over here, though maybe I ought to mention that under the heading of Fair Warning just so some poor soul doesn't innocently reference one of the many spoiler posts going around during a conversation and wake up with lice demons living and breeding and feeding in places where something so simple as mere sand is a significant problem. Cause trust me, researchgrrrl will be able to dig up the research on how to conjure those suckers, and I WILL send them (and I'll send them without lunch!), if my fun is spoiled by those who speak from knowledge rather than from their own imaginings on the subject.

Okay, I feel much safer now that everyone knows this. I'm jes sayin ...

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