The Rosetta Stone for Shine

Jul 21, 2006 21:22

LOL! Gawd I love good feedbackers who aren't afraid to go, WTF? when you totally throw them for a loss. Based on the lion's share of the feedback I'm getting on this little jaunt into the world of crack!fic, I think a very important element of writing crack!fic probably has to be the understanding that what makes perfect sense to the writer on crack doesn't always translate to readers who aren't smoking the same stuff.

Though the sexual aspects of the piece seem to have come through loud and clear, a couple key elements I thought I'd seeded in there clearly enough to trip people to my game seem to have gotten lost in the dark, or at least obscured enough by the hormone haze that they don't create the cascade effect I was looking to achieve.

That being said, I think I need to supply a little clarification for anyone who was left with a WTF? after reading Shine. I'm going to call this post a Rosetta Stone because I'd like to provide a "key" to the translation to see if it will be enough to push y'all down the slope I was looking to create without supplying this particular key. Immediately following this, I will also post a "translation" post with significantly more detail that will clarify Shine to greater degree than just supplying a clue and hoping it starts the dominoes to falling.

Anyone who feels like they missed something in the story (if you feel like you did, you did, trust me), check under this cut first. If you still feel like you're missing something, check under the translation cut. Then, please, please, please give me some feedback on what you feel could be added to the story itself to render the need for a rosetta stone or translation moot without giving up the gig in to obvious a manner.

Clearly, I missed hitting where I wanted to go with this piece, which is cool, as this was very much an experiment to see how deeply I could sink my clues without losing them altogether. And I think the results of my little experiment my it clear I sank them a little (or a lot) too deep for anyone who isn't already inside my head with me to find. So now I'm hoping to solicit some feedback from y'all as to how I might tweak this piece to make my intention clear enough to get without explanation, but still obscure enough to leave the reader going, holy shit, is that what she meant to imply?

So here's the Rosetta Stone clue. It should give you an idea where I was intending to go with Shine, and hopefully knock over the first domino in line to the end game of a domino effect epiphany. If it doesn't (or if you're just curious what the other one says), then go to the next post (The Shine Code DeCoded) and check that one out for a more complete explanation of where my intentions lay. Then please, please, please comment and give my your feedback, unbuffered and direct, please. I like it rough. ;)

The "Shine" is the thing the vampires' eyes did in Dead Man's Blood.

John and Daniel Elkins have their "falling out" when Elkins sees John's shine ...

fic: the shine

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