Because great ideas should be spread far and wide by anyone and everyone, here's an EXCELLENT idea some very, very, very cool fans are putting together to show Jared how much he is and always will be a HUGE fan favorite.
As a threesome, Jared, Jensen and Misha make Supernatural worth watching no matter WHAT the show itself is doing. Jensen and Misha consistently get awards for their awesomeness in this regard. Jared, on the other hand, always seems to walk away with the Mr. Congeniality prize ... the one everyone knows MATTERS, but not the tiara for which all winners instinctively strive.
In recognition of this consistent inequity, fandom (everything there is to love about fandom all rolled up into one stellar example of why I love thee so) is taking action of the most productive and exceptional sort to put the most genuine, accessible, compassionate and flat-out AWESOME 6'5 superstar on the planet on the top podium for a change.
You think Jared's tall in his stocking feet? Let's see how big that boy can smile from the summit of a mountain of much-deserved but frustratingly-elusive-at-the-finish-line Fan Love and Recognition.
HERE and add your voice to the chorus of
The Jared Award. No man more deserves an award for flat-out awesomosity than Jared Padalecki does. So let's pull together and make sure he takes one home this time.
And The Jared Award for Overwhelming Awesomosity, Flat-Out Niceness, Exceptional Geekomanic Energy, Unflinching and Unfailing Selfless Support of Co-Stars, Gigantorific Compassion for Terrified Fans who Want a Funny Photo or a Quick Hug But Have Suddenly Forgotten How to Speak, Stupendous Contortional Comedic Virtuosity and Most Gleefully Joyous Generosity of Spirit goes to ...
(photo by
animotus )