Gotta Love TOS(The Original Super)Fen: Canon Defense Goes OldSchool

Dec 23, 2010 01:05

Star Trek fen ... God love em:

Apology of the Year
YESTERDAY, a article incorrectly stated that the Star Trek starship USS Enterprise-E, otherwise known as model NNC-1701-E, was the successor to Captain Kirk's original USS Enterprise. It has since been brought to our attention that the NNC-1701-E in fact came two models after Captain Kirk retired and was under the command of Captain Jean Luc Picard.

User "Your Mum's Lunch" led the charge of those who correctly pointed out that after losing the original Enterprise to the Klingons, Captain Kirk was given the Excelsior Class Enterprise-B as a stop-gap measure until the refit of the Enterprise-A was completed. Kirk's last ship was the Ambassador Class Enterprise-C. Enterprise-D and Enterprise-E were in fact, the first of the Galaxy Class models and were under the command of Captain Picard.

There were also some concerns about whether the incorrect use of the term "hyperspace" in describing warp drive technology may harm the original Star Trek concept, particularly the books. apologises unreservedly for the error.

There was no intention whatsoever to suggest Captain Kirk may have commanded the Galaxy Class Starships Enterprise-D and Enterprise-E. Any damage to the Star Trek brand incurred by the use of the term "hyperspace" is regretful. No malice was intended and a correction to the original article will be made.

We also agree that Patrick Stewart is a handsome man, a sentiment expressed by several readers.

Addendum - We're also sorry for any errors in this apology.

In the name of avoiding the fate suffered by Cooks Source, linking back to the source of the above while acknowledging that I full well realize articles on the internet are not public domain. I simply stole this for your amusement. I apologize.

And on that note, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. God bless ... or whatever sign-off you prefer in the season of jolly.

fandom, hilarious, trek

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