Harper's Island (*headdesk*)

Jul 11, 2009 23:39

Dude. Seriously?

Come on. Everybody's lied to me my whole life: waaa, waaa, waaa. Weak, man. Seriously, seriously weak. But as weak as it is? I still could have at least walked away kinda-sorta-maybe not crazy but for the fact that Henry shoves a knife up into Trish while holding her tight against him, and then shoves a knife into Sully's back and what, severs the guy's spine or whatever (with a fucking pen knife?!?! Seriously?) while holding Sully back tight against him, too; and he runs up to Abby and Jimmy later and doesn't have a drop of blood on him anywhere?!? DUDE. That is just ... fuckin sloppy.

I am so disappointed. After twelves weeks of having all sorts of fun, this is what they give me for the finale? So many holes it's criminal. Maggie didn't know about the tunnels? I'll never believe it. After all this Wakefield thing, they don't shoot the boogie man dead as hell the moment they have a chance? I'll never believe it. JD's BROTHER eviscerates him, and he has ten seconds to talk to Abby before he bleeds out and what he says is "It's all about you, Abby" instead of "My brother killed me!"? Pfffft. Not only never believe it, I've given myself a headache with the desk now.

On the bright side, I loved the reveals to both Trish and Sully. Excellently played: their betrayal was palpable and heartbreaking. Loved the betrayal of Wakefield; loved that Danny went down swinging and noble.

But other than that? Dude. Seriously?

harper's island, spn's not the only show on tv

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