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May 21, 2006 15:00

Got this meme from kayim and it looked like fun:
LJ Interests Meme Results
  1. carol o'connell:
    Carol is da bomb. My favorite author by a truckload. She's not only a magician with the language, but also someone who always makes me laugh my ass off while she's breakin my heart. Her understanding of the dysfunctional nature of a broken child grown to adulthood is a revelation, as is the incredibly subtle ways she plays with what makes true friends and what constitutes true love. JUDAS CHILD is my favorite fiction novel ever, but all her novels are in my heart forever.
  2. criminology:
    I'm a sucker for the whack things people do to each other, and how our social system deals with such whackery. And this particular area of study always plays into my original fiction, too; given that abnormal psych is my idea of a playdate at Chucky Cheese so I'm always dealing with ciminology either from one side of the coin or t'other.
  3. driving fast:
    Oh, this is self explanatory, isn't it? The need for speed, baby.
  4. fables:
    Ah, fables and myths. All the wonderfulness embraced by the alegorical exploration of Human morality rolled up in fantastical thinking and a story telling tradition that speaks to the resonance of an experience rather than the gritty details of its perceived reality. Fables are our true history, the way we see ourselves, the way we see our world. They exist as truth on a deeper level than mere fact, and their lyricism is the taste of many colors on the mental palate of my eternal soul. And then there's the witches and dragons and heroes and cats that eat parrots, too.
  5. heroes:
    It's my thing. It's what I write about. Heroes and redemption. And the price of both.
  6. legends:
    See: fables. And then add the idea that the way our moral constuct as a culture is handed down from generation to generation is in the weaving of threads of reality, myth and fable into one fine tapestry of larger than lifeness that serves as a cultural record of what we perceive to be the best of ourselves as a race. Or the worst. And in particular, my interest lies in the realites behind the legends, especially when such legends are utopian idealisms of what really happened or who someone really is.
  7. paranormal:
    Everything psi fascinates me, as does everything psy. So what we perceive and/or experience beyond the boundaries of what we define as communal reality is a source of constant fascination for me. Probably in part because my philosophical interests lie so specifically in the direction of what constitutes reality as compared to what constitutes our perception of reality; the spaces where reality can no longer be defined by science and yet can still be experienced as either a psychological manifestation or as a reality beyond our ken to quantify: this is the promised land wherein all the mysteries of the known universe lie, as do all the mysteries yet to be discovered as things we do not know enough to know we do not know.
  8. reading:
    Wow. How do you define that in terms of what it is to you? Um ... the skeleton key to every known knowledge and a passport to every imagination that can be dreamed of in our philosophies. More simply put: the portal to the collective knowing of the Human race.
  9. storm clouds:
    I have no idea why I love storm clouds so much, but I do. I've been known to stand out in the middle of massive weather events with my camera pointing skyward, clicking, clicking, clicking. I think it may be something about the drama of it all. Or the portending of an imminent drama to come. Or maybe it is just the really cool way they filter sunlight to saturate every color of the world in ways that allow things only heretofore dreamed to actually be seen, if only for a passing moment before the sky falls in and soaks you to the bone.
  10. vincent d'onofrio:
    Ah, my main man Vincent. The actors who hit me where I live are always the ones who play the subtext of their characters to such realistic end that I know things about them (the characters) that I would never know about a real person, but that are elemental to what real people feel and do not show. And they are always the guys who can play anything. Vincent is pretty much the definition of both. He's an incredibly smart, instinctive actor who can take someone as dysfunctional as Bobby Goran and build a french pastery of layers in the man that defines Goran's very essence in a plethora of fragile parchment membranes of emotional damage, inquisitive intellect, hidden vulnerabilities, understated heroicism, and ego overcompensations that, when peeled away, one by one, reveal the true complexity of a profoundly damaged soul in choices as simple and as complex as a single look or how he chooses to say a single word. That's frakking acting. That's frakking D'Onofrio. And he does it all within the limitations of network TV.

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