Well, it only took me six weeks, but here are the pictures from my weekend up north at the lake. It was a nice relaxing weekend and I hope we get to do it again sometime. I am definitely going to use these for fic art when I start putting up those SPN summer 'verse stories next year, you know, after I write more than just the one. I can't decide if I should call it The Cabin 'Verse, The Up North 'Verse, The Lake 'Verse or The Summer Home 'Verse.
This was our cabin. Isn't it cute?
This is the dock.
There were woods off to the side of the cabin.
This is the living room with the extra bed where The BFF slept. The ladder leads up to the loft bedroom.
This is The BFF's Pup. Look at that face!
The Pup nosing along the shoreline.
Our view, right there. Lovely.
All photos taken by The BFF & The Sister.
See why I was inspired to write fic where the Winchester boys get to enjoy a wonderful summer at the lake? It was gorgeous.