My Squee Cannot Be Contained!!!

Aug 15, 2012 00:24

You guys, you guys, OMG, OMG, OMG YOU GUYS!!!!

My squee level was already pretty high after The BFF sent me the new Red Dawn trailer - (more on that in a minute) - but I just read that Enrique Murciano will be on the new 666 Park Avenue this fall!! MY BOY, BACK ON TV!!!! I know, I know, he had a thing on NCIS, but this will be like an almost-regular thing. 666 Park Avenue is not a show I had planned on watching, as much I enjoy me some Terry O'Quinn - it just didn't spark anything in me when I read the synopsis. But it didn't sound awful or anything. In fact, it kind of sounds like a supernatural version of Melrose’s Place, being that it is an apartment building full of people who have made deals with the devil. Oh wait, that sounds exactly like Melrose’s Place. So I was kind of 'maybe, maybe not' on watching it, but now...OH YEAH, BABY!!! And he is going to be PLAYING A DOCTOR and it sounds like there will be SEXYTIMES and okay…I know it is stupid, but I actually have tears of total happiness in my eyes right now. My boy.

For those of you that are like, "Who? What now?"…here is a pic of my boy.

See, see why I am excited?! Watch 666 Park Avenue this fall so we can talk about how hot my boy is, okay? Cool.

Okay, I'll cut for space because I can see how much this is taking up on your Flists - (new stupid LJ album, I can't figure out how to make the picture of Enrique smaller) - but RED DAWN WHOO-YAY under the cut...

OMG, RED DAWN FINALLY HAS A RELEASE DATE!! THANKSGIVING, BABY!! This is a remake of the bad yet classic 80s movie starring Patrick Swayze and well, everyone else - (seriously, go to and look at the cast listing, it is packed with 80s peeps). The original made very little sense, plot wise and like logically but it had hot teenagers and a fallen pilot living in the woods all dirty and hot and saving the world, so teens of the 80s didn't give a shit about plot. The remake looks to have at least some coherency; secret weapons, proper enemies, whatnot, but more importantly - JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN WITH FACIAL HAIR AND SEX VOICE AND OMG!!! Also, Chris Hemsworth (it doesn't matter how many movies I see him in, I will never not be startled by how fucking blue his eyes are), Josh Hutcherson (aaawww, all pre-Hunger Games and shit even, since this filmed like five fucking years ago, I am not even kidding about how damn long I have been waiting for this movie to come out - see my tag!), Adrianne Palicki (um, yeah, in the original the character she plays and the character of the downed pilot which will now be played by JDM - totally get it on!!) and Edwin Hodge (yes, I said Hodge - if you've ever seen him in anything, his voice sounds just like his brother's, it's unmistakable).


image Click to view

Also, filmed in Detroit - REPRESENT, BITCHES!! Jeffrey Dean Morgan was like actually in my state, yo!

Um, I need to go to sleep now. I get foul-mouthed and crazed when I am excited. This was too much...I feel like a toddler crashing from a sugar high after a Wiggles concert.

enrique murciano is my agent-o-sex, stupid things that make me cry, release the red dawn upon us!, happy-face, movie blahblahblahing, end of the world! everybody pile on!, tv show blahblahblahing, photos - enrique murciano, jeffrey dean morgan impregnates us all, imdb is a useful tool, lj stuffs, youtube is an alien-virus, detroit till we die, movie/tv trailers

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