The Good, The Bad, The Batman.

Jul 18, 2012 22:05

So I had a good day yesterday.

Yesterday ceitfianna came down to spend the night, as she is moving away (sad-face!) and we needed one last hurrah. We spent a good hour just talking, mostly about writing, and hanging out. Then I popped in a DVD of various music vids and we watched that and spent some time online. I know people think it is weird when you spend social time online - like teenagers who are in the same room ‘hanging out’ while playing on their handheld game devices - but I like when you are comfortable enough with someone that you can do that, her on her Iphone and me on the laptop - (reading the latest fic she is working on!). Then we picked up some Chinese food at the best place in town. After dinner, we showed her Baby Hoarders, which I will never tire of making people watch. She kept trying to guess who would be Dodger’s next baby-daddy. After that, we watched The Daily Show and they did this bit where John Oliver was acting out what was happening on the show to some people who lost Comedy Central in the Viacom-vs-Direct TV feud. At one point, the people pretended to flip the channel and suddenly Oliver was doing an episode of Teen Mom - being Amber and yelling at Gary to shut his ****ing face. As a person who guiltily loves Teen Mom, it was freaking brilliant!

Then we found Batman Begins playing on FX and ended staying up to watch the whole thing. That is one of those movies that I know I love but every time I watch it again, I am reminded all over of just how amazing it is. As ceitfianna pointed out, it has an outstanding cast, each person holding their own against the other. Also, my love for Alfred is unending! I feel kind of bad for him, during the seven years while Bruce was off running amuck, that Alfred was all alone in Wayne Manor, hearing nothing from Bruce the whole time. And of course, Cillian Murphy is so deliciously evil in this movie and has the prettiest damn lips/eyes/skin ever. I had recently been discussing with a friend about if Bruce ever tipped over that line and just went serial-killer-crazy (a line he already precariously balances on) and started just slaughtering the bad guys in cold blood. Watching this movie just made that premise itch under my skin. It seems so daunting to try to write and I would have to go to such a dark place inside myself to do it. It is just such a good movie and not the least of which is because Christian Bale can do so many ranges of emotions in one character. They kept showing previews for the new Dark Knight and I am just so excited right now…I can’t even, you guys.

In bad news, my mom has bronchitis. She has the worst immune system and it takes her forever to fight off anything she gets, so this is not good news. Of course, the day after she was at the med clinic, I saw her out walking her dog around the neighborhood. She came up to the door to complain to me about her bronchitis…while out walking her dog in 100 degree weather. /shakes head/

Also, those damn neighborhood kids freaking toilet papered our house this weekend! I am convinced it was the same damn kids who hang out in our yard like it is their own playground; hanging off our flagpole, riding their bikes in our driveway, just sitting in our yard. Last summer these kids - the oldest of which who are about 12 - would run up and ring the doorbell and then run away, like it was some game. I opened the door on the oldest boy once as he was creeping up on the house - (in this slow motion creep like The Sims do when they are sneaking up behind you, which was kind of funny after-the-fact). He was so freaked out when I opened the door and said, “Can I help you with something?” that he ran off and they never did it again.

But those damn meddling kids - I wouldn’t put it past them to have been the ones that toilet papered us.

Finally, while we were watching Batman Begins, I asked ceitfianna if she had ever seen the MTV Movie Awards parody with Jimmy Fallon. She had not, so I went and scrounged it up and shall now share, for all your viewing pleasures.

I have his face all over my underpants!

image Click to view

I have now successfully ruined the chase scene for you forever. You can thank me later.

batman - can i ask you something, writing blahblahblahing, jon stewart tells us the truth, my girls, movie blahblahblahing, family circus, sims blathering, tv show blahblahblahing, real life, videos - tv show clips, baby hoarders is better!, asshats, youtube is an alien-virus

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