Fic: With Purpose - Dean/Cas, PG-13, Altered Reality, Schmoop, Romance

Jun 27, 2012 16:01

This is just a little Dean/Cas Kissing Fic I wrote awhile back. Just some good old fashioned kissing is fun to write every now and then. I had this image in my head of Cas sitting on the bed, reading a book and Dean trying to distract him into some kissing.

There are things that are nice to do, even without purpose in mind. Dean/Cas, Altered Reality, Angel-Turned-Human, Schmoop, Romance, Rated PG-13 with 516 words.

Title: With Purpose
Author: The Artful Dodger / dodger_sister
Fandom: Supernatural
Category: Altered Reality, Angel-Turned-Human, Schmoop, Romance
Characters/Pairing: Dean/Cas
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: There are things that are nice to do, even without purpose in mind.
Word Count: 516 words.
Date Written: 02/18/2012
Disclaimer: Supernatural, Dean & Castiel are not mine. I write for fun and I have no money. I do it for The Love, man.
Feedback: Bring it. dodger_sister /
Beta’d: Nope.
Author's Notes: I had just finished writing my Dean/Cas Valentine’s Day fic, which came out way longer than I had expected. I was still all in ‘Dean/Cas’ mode but I needed a way to unwind from the fic I had just written. I don’t know what happened, I just kind of had this image in my head of Cas reading and ignoring Dean and Dean trying to get him to stop and make-out already. It was sweet and it all came out in one go and I made my word count for the week. I did stand in front of my bookcase for a few minutes though, trying to decide what book Castiel would be reading.

He was always so intent when he was reading.

So much so that Cas rarely noticed Dean watching him. It didn’t escape Dean that this was a lot like the way Cas used to watch Dean - before, when Cas was still an angel and not quite able to understand the human-things that humans did.

Or maybe it was just Dean. Maybe Cas was just always trying to understand Dean.

Now Dean was just trying to understand Castiel.

“Did you need something from me?” Cas asked without looking up and his voice was rough from hours of not using it, hours spent sitting on the motel bed in the dim light, flipping the pages of his book.

“Uh, no,” Dean answered. And then, “What’cha reading?”

“The Mists of Avalon.”

“Okay. When did you start reading chick books?”

Castiel carefully checked his page number and then put the book down on the pillow next to him. “It is not a chick book.”

“Did Sammy give it you?” Dean asked and crawled up the bed to sit next to Cas. “Cuz if he did, then it is a chick book.”

“I happen to enjoy Sam’s taste in literature. Beside, it is nice to read without purpose on occasion.”

Dean was staring at Cas again because Cas had stopped talking and was licking his dry, chapped lips - his pink tongue darting out and wetting.

“You know what else is nice to do without purpose?” Dean asked him and Castiel just tilted his head at Dean.

“Your mind is always in the ditch.”

“The gutter.”

“Either way,” Cas said with a smirk, “there it is.”

Dean put on his best pout. “I said without purpose. Sometimes it’s nice to kiss, even when it isn’t going anywhere.”

Cas slid closer, settled one hand on Dean’s inner thigh and brought the other up to stroke gently across his cheek. “Remember page 251 for me, yes, Dean?”

“Maybe I should buy you a bookmark,” Dean said softly and leaned in to press his lips against Castiel’s own.

Cas opened to him immediately, let Dean tilt his head a little more, press their lips together a little harder. When Dean’s tongue came out, Cas met it with his own, the softest of touches, no urgency at all.

They pulled briefly apart, Dean’s breath ghosting across Castiel’s lips, then he pushed back in again and Cas opened his mouth wider and pulled Dean’s body closer to him on the bed. His hand wandered from Dean’s thigh, up to his waistline, fingers trailing up under Dean’s t-shirt, brushing across the skin on his stomach.

“I said without purpose,” Dean reminded him, voice teasing and happy, and Castiel smiled against Dean’s lips.

“But there is a purpose, Dean. There is always a purpose, every time our lips meet.”

“Hmmm? What’s that?” Dean asked and placed a soft kiss to the corner of Cas’ mouth.

“Because I love you. It’s always because I love you.”

Castiel pressed their lips together again and this time it was Dean who opened to Cas, soft and slow and completely sure.

The End

written - 2012, fic - romance, character - dean winchester, word count - 501 to 1000, fic - altered reality, character - castiel the angel, rating - pg-13, fic - angel-turned-human, pair - dean/castiel, fiction - mine, fic - fluff/schmoop, fandom - supernatural

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