Canadian Invasion!

May 17, 2012 23:27

So, The Canadian Brother and Co. will be here some time tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. On the one hand, I am excited to see the kids and to catch up with him and the wife but on the other hand, it takes a lot out of me to have that many people up in my space, disrupting my schedule and demanding my attention 24/7 (like I don’t even get a chance to ( Read more... )

happy-face, sleep now, family circus, blame canada, that's why they call it a workout, i apologize to my flist, real life, sister oh sister, rec me shit

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lizibabes May 18 2012, 18:02:35 UTC
I hope the fam visting goes okay and you get a chance to breath while they are around.

Congradulations to your sister and have a great birthday!!!


dodger_sister May 25 2012, 21:44:27 UTC
The family visit was not as overwhelming as visits past, but by the day before they left I was ready to get my house back. :)

Thank you! I am super excited for my sister - this job is perfect for her.

Birthday dinner tomorrow night - I may even wear a dress!


lizibabes May 25 2012, 22:05:07 UTC
I'm glad it was an easier visit, but yeah, must be nice to have your own space back.

I went through years of hating dresses, but now I love them, give me an exscuse to dress up and I will, mainly because I look 12 when I dress casual. I hope you have a wonderful meal


dodger_sister June 7 2012, 01:38:18 UTC
I went through years of hating dresses, but now I love them, give me an exscuse to dress up and I will, mainly because I look 12 when I dress casual.

Omg, are you me? That is exactly me too! When I was a teen, I always said the only time I would ever wear a dress would be if my sister got married and wanted me to be in the wedding party. And everyone was like, "What about your own wedding?" and I always said, "Nope."

But then I had a friend who wore the same size as me and we started shopping together and she dressed very nice but like a grown woman and not a teenage boy like I did, so suddenly my style started to mature. Now I lament how there aren't enough occassions to wear dresses and I have all these ones hanging in my closet that I never get to wear!

I look like I am about 14 when I dress casual. I am 34 and I have kids who are like 19/20 asking me what school I go to!


lizibabes June 7 2012, 02:00:34 UTC
Nice to know I'm not the only one. I'm going to be maid of honour at some point becaue my BF is getting married. I've never even been a brides maid before and was never the girl who had her dream wedding dress in mind. But I'm past my dress hatred and she has great taste, so I'm not woried about how I'll look....much.

I think shopping with friends can always be fun and they get you trying on things you'd have never picked out alone. I'm the same as you now, closet full of pretty dresses that I want more chances to wear.

I was 21 in january and months before got asked if I was old enough to see a 15 rated movie, But people are always telling me I'll love looking younger when I get older. So maybe when we're 50 will love it? lol


dodger_sister June 7 2012, 02:14:50 UTC
I've never actually been in a wedding either. I used to have a really nice video camera and a great movie making program, so everyone always asked me to record and then edit their wedding for them. I made like little music videos out of the footage for them. It was fun!

was 21 in january and months before got asked if I was old enough to see a 15 rated movie, But people are always telling me I'll love looking younger when I get older. So maybe when we're 50 will love it? lol

Everyone tells me that too but I doubt it, because I am also really short, so by the time I am 'older' I will also be shrinking. lol

I keep getting hit on by 19 year olds. Cute nice 19 year olds, but wow do I feel like a dirty old lady. It is still better than when I go shopping with my cousin's kid, who is like 15, and we get checked out by boys that are her age at the mall. I am old enough that people should think she was my daughter, but apparently they think we are just high school buddies.


lizibabes June 7 2012, 19:19:57 UTC
The wedding video stuff sounds cool, I like the music video idea, it's a nice momento of the day.

I'm pretty short as well and already shriking I think. My ft have gone down half a size already.

I know how you feel with the young guys it's like 'oh, flattering,but now I feel like a perv'

My brothers three years older than me and he once got asked if he was my dad, which I found funny and he really didn't.


dodger_sister June 8 2012, 01:52:05 UTC
The wedding video stuff sounds cool, I like the music video idea, it's a nice momento of the day.

I would make one of the ceremony and then one using the official photos and then maybe two of the dancing at the reception. I miss my awesome video program.

I keep getting shorter but also rounder in the hips, so even though I am shorter, I have to go up a size in pants! Dammit.

I know how you feel with the young guys it's like 'oh, flattering,but now I feel like a perv'

There is this aide at physical therapy that I am almost certain has a crush on me and he is 19 and I am 34. I just don't think he realizes that I am 34. He is so adorable but I just feel like, "Oh honey, no."

My brothers three years older than me and he once got asked if he was my dad, which I found funny and he really didn't.Ahahahaha That is funny. My sister is five years older than me and we get that all the time. Once we were out to dinner - my dad, my brother and his wife, my sister, me and The Nephew who was like a year at the time - and my sister is ( ... )


lizibabes June 8 2012, 17:15:47 UTC
I have the hips of a young boy, makes wearing jeans a bitch.

Maybe you could loudly talk about what your doing for your next birthday and mention your age a lot.

That is awesome, I can imagine that happening. When ever my bf is out with her neice she makes sure to mention findiny Mummy, so people don't think she's a parent. But then half the girls we went to school with have one or two by now


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