Go To The Cabin In The Woods!

Apr 21, 2012 22:32

Last night ceitfianna came down and we went out to dinner. My sister came along and we talked quite a bit about The X-Men - because what else do three 30-something women talk about at dinner? I honestly don't know. Anyways, it was a lovely evening. We are hoping to do a movie marathon weekend at the end of May together - maybe even some 'Lord of the Rings' viewing. Although, now my sister has discovered that ceitfianna watched 'Dark Angel Alec' back in the day, so I know what she is going to suggest we watch.

Then today I went and saw "The Cabin In The Woods". It! Was! Awesome! It was like...The Hunger Games meets The Evil Dead. It was a thriller and a horror and a Joss Whedon movie. I was like jumping out of my seat and screaming at the same time that I was clapping and laughing - only Whedon and Co can pull that off. Also, my heart will forever belong to Fran Kranz. He stole the fucking show. And his bong? Both moments involving the giant awesome bong had me clapping my hands. If you saw it, you know what I'm talking about. Man, I wish I had a beauty like that one back in my day. Other great actors in this movie were Bradley Whitford (I miss him on my TV) and Richard Jenkins, as well as Amy Acker, Tom Lenk (that was a sweet surprise) and Chris Hemsworth (that man does things to me). It was scary and awesome and fun and hysterical and nerve-wracking and had an interesting plot mythology. Just an all-around great movie-going experience. If I were made of money and time, I would go see it again. I am definitely buying it when it comes out on DVD. Also, my sister pointed out how 'The Puppeteers' were clearly working for Wolfram & Hart. Y/Y?

In final news - I know back when I mentioned getting to watch the private Steve Carlson & Christian Kane concert on StageIt's live streaming, that some of you were interested. They are doing it again! On May 26th, which is a Saturday. Idk if I am going to buy a ticket, because it is a holiday weekend and Idk what I will be up to - but if you all want, they have some tickets left (not a ton, but some). Signing up for StageIt is free and then you just pay for the concerts you want to see. Go to Stage It for more info.

music blahblahblahing, my girls, movie blahblahblahing, lord of the rings took my virginity, christian kane is a demi-rock-god, x-men are hardcore hottie heroes, i need a sugardaddy, real life, pimping is a good life choice, dark alec is crack-goodness, steve carlson is my rockstar boyfriend, christian+steve - rockstar bfs!, sister oh sister

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