Updates, Sky Bisons & Dragons, Oh My.

Feb 29, 2012 21:43

First, thanks to everyone who sent well wishes to my mom! I really appreciate it, you guys.

Her surgery went really well this morning. The doctor was super happy. They even sent her home already. I was surprised by this but apparently their logic is that she is more likely to get an infection in the hospital, so they didn't want to admit her unless they had to. Valid. Now if she follows her after-care instructions and takes it easy for awhile, I think it may be alright. The weekend will tell.

In not-so-good news - my sister still sounds/looks terrible. She is Captain Trips-ing all over the place. It took The BFF more than a week to shake whatever this is, so I don't think The Sister is quite there yet. It probably didn't help that I made her take me to the MediClinic this afternoon.

Something in my leg is all jacked up. I'll spare you all the details but most of you know that a few years back I broke both my femurs. One thing that happened was I ignored what turned out to be a hairline fracture until it became a complete break in the bone. I did not want to do that this time. The doctor says everything looks fine and gave me a script so PT can work on the muscle a little - which I wanted but didn't want to let her do if there was something broken in there. I see my specialist again in three weeks, so if it's not better by then, we can reassess.

Finally, thanks to all the lovelies who sent me blue dragons!! lizibabes, oxoniensis, vikingprincess, fragrantwoods and denig37 - you guys made my day - (it was so random because it wasn't a holiday, and I was pleasantly surprised). You guys probably don't know that I love dragons. I do. Michael Hague is my favorite illustrator and I have The Book Of Dragons that he illustrated. It was like the best day when I found out Hague had illustrated dragons.

So now I will pose to you all the question that The Nephew always poses to me whenever we get to talking about dragons...

Poll My Ride To School

I should have included a "something else entirely I will tell you in comments" option.

Anyways, tomorrow my plan is to catch up on comments and my Flist...or do nothing. Right now I am leaning more towards doing nothing. Tonight my plan is to sleep.

the nephew, sick n tired, friends 4evah, poll/meme thingy, sleep now, family circus, avatar not the one with blue people, that's why they call it a workout, art blahblahblahing, real life, dragons are badass, sister oh sister

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