Why Fanboys Will Rule The World.

Jan 28, 2012 20:48

So, here is an awesome story about why The Nephew is so awesome. And why fanboys own my heart.

Months back, like in September, we are having this long conversation about The X-Men one day on the phone. This is during his phase of picking a bad guy and a good guy and then making me discuss how they would fare against each other in a fight. So we get on to talking about Xavier and how he can go inside people and control them from inside their minds. I am explaining to him how Xavier needs to be careful about this, how it isn’t okay for him to control people and make them do things they don’t want too - (yes, life lessons in morals and ethics for a five year old) - and my nephew says…

TN: But if a bad guy were about to hurt someone, he could jump in their head and make them stop and then walk them to jail.
Me: Yep, he could do that.
TN: Like if Magneto were going to throw a car at someone.
Me: No, because he can’t go inside Magneto’s head. Magneto has that helmet and that helmet blocks Xavier from being able to get inside him or talk inside his head or anything. He made it special for that.
TN: Oh. Can the professor - (and I can’t express to you enough how adorable it is to hear him say the word ‘professor’) - get inside Juggernaut’s head? Cuz he has a helmet too.
Me: I don’t know but I think so. Because Juggernaut’s helmet is just a regular ol’ helmet and Magneto’s helmet is made special to stop Xavier.
TN: What about that girl who can make things fly around the room?
Me: Uh, Jean Grey?
TN: Yeah. Jean Grey could just flip her fingers and Magneto’s helmet could go flying off and then Xavier could like poof inside his head real fast.
Me: Wow. Hey, that’s a really good idea, buddy. I never thought of that before.
TN: You never thought of that before? Well, I just thought of that myself right now actually.

Then we proceed to talk about “Annie” for a bit, because he had just seen the movie.

TN: I like Warbucks the best.
Me: I like Warbucks too. If I were in Warbucks' house, I’d slide down the railing on that huge staircase.
TN: I’d slide all over the floor in my socks and he’d say, “Stop sliding on my floor!”
Me: Yeah, he would. And I like the part where her friends are all, “We gotta save Annie!”
TN: Yeah cuz they’re her friends and that’s what friends do, is help each other. Hey, you know what? You could write that story if you wanted.
Me: What story, buddy?
TN: The one about Jean and the professor. If you wanted, you could write that for me.

The Nephew’s first fanfiction prompt ever!! You guys, I am so proud of him. And I don’t even know why he said that, it's not like he knows that I write stories about TV/Movie people or anything. Or that I even write for fun. Maybe he does know, maybe I said something to him once, the boy has a mind like a vault.

A month later, I am in the hospital from that seizure and he comes to visit me and we are playing Uno and he suddenly goes, “Hey, did you ever write that story for me?”

A few weeks later, we are on the phone and he goes, “Hey, did you finish my story yet?”

Me: “Well, I have to finish the story I am writing for my friend’s birthday and then I can write your story and then I have to write a story for Aunt J for Christmas.
TN: Okay, but after you write your friend’s story and then you can write my story and then you can write a story for Aunt J and then if you want, you could write me another story.
Me: How about I promise to have your story done by Christmas? How does that sound? And then after that we can talk about another story. Deal?
TN: Deal.

So…I wrote him his first fanfic ever based off his idea about Jean and Xavier vs. Magneto. I even got The BFF to make fic art for it, so it had a cover for him to see when he opened it up.

My little fanboy and his first fanfic prompt. I’m still all hearts just thinking about it. Now I think it may be time to help him write his first very own fanfic. Don’t you think?

Also, the other day we were on the phone and I was asking him how to beat Bowser on Super Mario Party 8 (in the Super Star level) and after he explained it to me and I said, "I tried that but I die before I can get him enough times," - The Nephew says in his serious Little Man voice, "Listen, you just have to keep practicing and try your best, okay?" <3

the nephew, writing blahblahblahing, fan-kids, movie blahblahblahing, x-men are hardcore hottie heroes, video games are for cool people now, musicals - life with song, real life, fandom fun

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