Rite Of Passage.

Nov 05, 2011 23:10

The Nephew broke his arm this week.

I should have known it was coming sooner or later...it is a tradition for the boys in our family to break their first arm right around age 5/6. Apparently, The Nephew jumped off some playground equipment at school. I guess he thought he would land on his feet like Batman - (the downfall to letting your kid be obsessed with superheroes). The ER splinted him and sent him home to wait for the swelling to go down. The next day the swelling was still too much, so they added a sling, gave him a shot - (he told me, "My arm doesn't hurt anymore, but that injection hurt really really bad". My poor little man. I am betting it was a steroid shot then) - and told him to come back in a week for the actual cast.

He was excited to get to miss three days of school, until he realized he only had one hand and couldn't play any video games.

I talked to him the day it happened and he was a little stoned on pain meds. Have you ever watched "That 70s Show" and seen when they sit around in the circle? You know how Hyde rambles on at great lengths when he is stoned, but he pronounces every word very slowly, like each syllable is a revelation? Yeah, that apparently is The Nephew when he is high.

We sent him a bouquet of balloons and candy.

Now I shall pause to say a big THANK YOU to denig37, ranua, rhymephile and denyce for the Halloween V-Gifts!! The cannibalistic pumpkin was right up my alley and the spiders, though I usually loath spiders and everything they stand for, were way too adorable to squash with my shoe. Thanks, peoples!

On a final note - FIC REC! ceitfianna did some fills on the Horror Comment Meme thingy and one of them was a Supernatural drabble. There was no scary horror monster in this fic, and yet it was such a dark chilling piece that was both terrifying and beautiful at once. There’s a hole in the world and no one can see it because it’s hiding behind an old drive-in movie theater screen. Go read - Hole In The World.

the nephew, halloween is my fav holiday, friends 4evah, fic rec, spn love, tv show blahblahblahing, real life, pimping is a good life choice, eeeevilll

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