Fan-Kids Are Love.

Sep 01, 2011 21:30

First, for excellent news about my favorite fangirl in the whole wide world forever - THE BFF GOT A JOB!!! It is a temporary thing, but long term temp, so at least three months. And it is in the exact same building as my sister, so they are driving to work together - yay carpooling! I am sad though that this means we have to slow down on our rewatch of Torchwood.

In other fangirl news - The Little Girl Cousin is well on her way to full-blown fangirl. She is seven now and I babysat her recently. I asked her if she wanted to play Uno. She said yes. I said that after Uno we could watch some “Avatar: The Last Airbender”. This is her current favorite show and she will wax on about how Sokka is her favorite guy in the whole world. She has such a crush. She then decides she wants to watch Airbender first and then play Uno. We watch two episodes. Then she asks for another. I am all, "Don’t you want to play Uno now? Do something else?" - "No, another one!!" - One episode later - "Don’t you want to play Uno now? Do something else?" - "No, another one!!"

For four hours straight. A hardcore fangirl marathon, you guys.

She would say all of Sokka's lines right before he said them. I told her that I really wanted Katara/Zuko to be boyfriend & girlfriend. She said, "No, Mai is Zuko's girlfriend. Katara has to be girlfriend and boyfriend with Aang." I said I liked Aang, but I thought Zuko was a better boyfriend for Katara. "But that's not what happens," she says and then I can see her little mind turning it over, like the possibility that maybe she could hope for something that didn't actually happen on the show. I will make a shipper out of her yet!!

I feel so happy to see her fangirl out over this show. I think back to when I was seven and 100% head-over heels in love with “The A-Team”. I thought about it falling asleep at night, made up my own secret pretend worlds for it, wrote my first fanfic about it in my diary when I didn't even know what fanfic was, had my Murdock baseball hat and bomber jacket, rabidly pounced any helicopter pilots I came into contact with at the hospital and made them listen to me talk about Murdock...

And now, many many years and many fandoms later, I think back on my first full-blown obsession with such fondness and delight, and it makes me unbelievably happy to think that in 25 years, The Little Girl Cousin will be fanning over some show and someone will ask her what her first fandom was and she will say, "Avatar: The Last Airbender. I was seven and madly in love with Sokka."

<3 for fangirls!

murdock is my everything, fan-kids, the bff is my bestest best friend, little girl cousin, avatar not the one with blue people, fandom saved my life, fandom is made of awesome, real life, emotional waxing, the a-team - if no one else can help

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