A Hot Pink Princess Tiara Piñata.

May 31, 2011 19:17

That’s right, I said A Hot Pink Princess Tiara Piñata. Thirty-three isn’t too old for one of those, is it?

So, my sister went shopping for party supplies for The Nephew’s birthday a few weeks ago and came back to report that they had a purple castle piñata at the store. Me and The BFF made noises of delight and then we all laughed. After a few minutes of sitting and staring blankly at whatever was on the TV - (our favorite show - Without a Criminal Bones: SVU) - in utter silence, The BFF says, "Dammit, now I want a piñata." My sister replies, "I’ll see what I can do."

I think nothing more of it.

Only to awaken on my birthday to find a hot pink princess tiara piñata hanging from the light fixture in the kitchen.

You want to know something? I had never done a piñata before. Not just for my own birthday, but not even at anyone’s else party either. At thirty-three, I found that a sad fact. WHICH HAS NOW BEEN RECTIFIED!!! I totally put a crack in it myself, but it was The BFF who sent it flying and exploding everywhere while my sister frantically grabbed for candy. Then disappointed that she hadn’t gotten a turn, my sister proceeded to beat on the damn thing even after it was dead.

I have to say, beating things with sticks is a great stress reliever. Ya’ll should try it at some point in your life, if you never have or don’t regularly beat things with sticks.

Also, I think you guys all rule, so let me say thanks one more time...

I just wanted to once again say "THANK YOU!" to all of you lovely people. I started getting birthday messages a few days before my bday and then I put up a quick post and you were all so lovely and I scrolled my Flist and there were giant sparkling banners with my name and…YOU ALL ARE MADE OF AWESOMESAUCE, is what I’m saying here.

I also got a lovely LJ gift of shiny presents from rockstarpeach - (I like shiny things so this was highly appropriate!) - and an adorable puppy with a rose in his mouth from jojothecr - (this was almost real life for me since The BFF got roses for her birthday and then my sister's cat tried to eat them!) Thank you, ladies!

I got a couple of pic-spams...

this Gif-spam from wolfrider89, with Jensen’s butt and the crinkles around the corner of Misha’s eyes (I <3 so hard) and kisses and um, that gesture Misha is making with his hands. heehee

I also got this spam of pics of all my fav dudes/and a chick from flawed_x_design, like all the dudes from SPN including mostly naked Cohen and JDM’s ass and sunglasses!Js and the Watcher!Castiel look and mostly naked!Misha and Alex O and Storm with a Mohawk and Naked!Chad (sorry, you can’t see his bits though).

And these gifs from rhymephile - (okay so I noticed how you can see skin peeking up out of the opening of Jared’s shirt, and Jensen’s face, and yes, I do have a thing about Misha’s hands, okay?)

And ranua sent me a CD, Brett Dennen, who has this Teddy Geiger-esque sound to him, idk, I can’t classify music so just go listen here, to the song I am currently obsessed with.

She also wrote me fic. This one was sparked from a conversation about the new Bill and Ted movie - yes, seriously - and how my sister kept joking that Sam should play Twister to get Dean back from Hell. So, the fic is about Sam and Death playing Twister. Not really for my birthday persay, but I’m gonna pretend, OKAY? (Also, we discussed whether or not Sam’s height would be an asset or a hindrance in a game of Twister). - Deal With Death.

And this one, actually for my birthday, based off of my concerns about what happened to Jed at the end of Justified, is he still locked up with what happened with the Bennets and all - only I couldn’t remember his name was Jed, so I kept calling him Gabriel and well, she made it a fic that is a crossover-esque thing about Jed and Gabriel and I don’t wanna spoil it so, just GO READ IT. - Are We Not Lost?

Did I forget anyone? I hope not. Let me reiterate - YOU ARE ALL MADE OF AWESOMESAUCE AND IT IS DELICIOUS! Things happened over the weekend, I shall report later. But right now I have to go eat chicken and I believe we are starting "Life on Mars" tonight.

Here, have this picture of my sister’s cat just after he got caught trying to eat The BFF’s birthday flowers, and this picture of the other cat playing with the wrapping paper tissue and the broken and busted hot pink princess tiara piñata.



brothers!, without a criminal bones: svu, photos - my life, spn love, photos - pets, sister oh sister, music blahblahblahing, birthdays, fic rec, friends 4evah, the bff is my bestest best friend, justified - with your hat on, cats are squishy fun!, tv show blahblahblahing, fandom is made of awesome, beating things with sticks, pimping is a good life choice, fic for me? omg, picspam

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