Let's Talk About Castiel.

May 18, 2011 22:42

I'm sorry, but if I have to be huddled in a corner rocking back and forth and muttering to myself - well, then everyone else should have to join me.

I could make a whole post about all my thinky thoughts on "Supernatural", but mostly right now all I can think is, "Omg, Castiel, omg!"...so let's just stick with that. I am an extreme girl, as in it is either going to be one extreme or another. My favorite choice (#1) and the worst choice (#5) being the two I am debating in my own head - though I recognize there are actually other choices. I seem to be alternating between one extreme or the other on what will happen to Castiel in the finale, but here I want to know what you think.


I have a slight spoiler under the spoiler-cut below the poll. The BFF tells me that this spoiler means absolutely nothing and gives us no hints at all, but still, there was this thing...marked up as a spoiler, so you can look at it or not.

Go forth and give me your best guess. None of this means anything. I'm just wondering where everyone else's head is at on this.

Poll Castiel's Fate

It occurs to me now that I should have included an option of "Castiel helps them fight, everything stays the same, Misha will be back per usual next season." My bad.


The Tivo tells me that Misha is only in the first of the two finale episodes. Under Jensen and Jared's Tivo names, are listed the 8pm and 9pm episodes. Misha is only listed in the 8pm episode. What does that mean?! The BFF says it means nothing because they have been very tricky this year and we had no idea Crowley was alive because they kept Mark Sheppard out of the credits, so maybe they are just being tricky. But at any rate, my heart did this weird flippy thing in my chest. Clearly, even though I say I am cool with Castiel dying, the thought still seems to make my heart stop beating for a second.


Here are some ramblings that are not really spoilery, unless you are behind like 12 episodes or such, but I put this here for space reasons.

See, last year I was worried about Castiel and Bobby and both the boys. This year I am not worried about the boys, really. They seem good and we know they will be back next year - it's their show, after all. I'm a little worried about Sam, just because he has that wall-thingy and the boys have been happy and well, happiness is short-lived when you are a Winchester.

But mostly, I am freaking out over Cas. I am actually cool if Castiel dies /gasp/ - as long as Dean doesn't have to kill him. As long as he gets redemption before the end. It could be nice to have the two brothers next season, more of a throw back to first season. On the other hand, Human!Cas would be extremely fascinating to watch evolve. And also, you know, shallow and/or fannish reasons I don't want Cas to ever leave the show.

I am also having an underlying dread for Lisa and Ben, because honestly, that just seems extra cruel. I mean, Dean walked away, just leave them alone already.

But then it occured to me, with all my fear that they will do Cas badly and the worry for Lisa and Ben - I have forgotten this season to be afraid for Bobby! Omg, did I just totally jinx Bobby?! I remembered to be afraid for him last year, but now I have gone into the complacent feeling of, "They know better. They would never," and that's when Shit Goes Down!

Why do we have to have such a death toll in the season finales?! I know, because it makes for a good story and gets everybody all riled up - (see me freaking out as evidence of that). THEY BETTER NOT KILL BOBBY! Is all I'm saying.

While we are on the subject of SPN...I have really been enjoying how much the boys have been getting along and how happy they seem to be around each other these days. So now I will explain to you all how this makes me think, "BROTHERS!" in my head.

It's like how my sister's cat Pippin will be wandering around and then he'll see his brother, Kirk, across the room - and he gets all down and sticks his butt in the air and then runs and does a jumping leap on Kirk's back - and then they roll around and wrestle and make "meep"ing noises at each other and nip at each other and wag their happy tails - and then they get so tired all of a sudden that they collapse next to each other with their arms around one another's necks and go to sleep.

And when Pippin does his flying leap, I tend to yell, "BROTHERS!" It's like their battle cry.

Because they are BROTHERS!


It's cool if you want to imagine Sam and Dean doing flying leaps at each other and then wrestling around - sometimes I do.

brothers!, stupid things that make me cry, dean winchester - i'd tap that, sam winchester is a sexy beast, misha fucking collins, photos - my life, poll/meme thingy, spn love, cats are squishy fun!, spn episode talk, castiel - angel of rock, photos - pets, incestuously gay cw brothers, bobby singer must never die!

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