You Guys! Best. Week. Ever.

May 12, 2011 22:47

Now I shall tell you a story.

I woke up on Monday with cramps and icky and being a woman sucks. Guess that's why I couldn't bring myself to workout all weekend and just kept playing video games all day. Figured it would be a crappy couple of days here this week.


Because last week I got a couple of nice comments on a Dean/Cas fic I wrote back whenever. Figured it got recced somewhere. Hit my 50th comment! This week I got one more - AND MY COMMENT SECTION ROLLED OVER TO THREE PAGES.

Now I know I am suppose to be all cool and nonchalant about it - but dudes, that has never happened to me before. Ever. It's kind of awesome.

I'll stop being uncool now, but seriously, wicked.


So that is all making me happy on Tuesday, tralalala...and then my sister comes home from work....WITH hiyacynth AND HER BABY BOY IN TOW!! They live like five hours away and I guess her husband had to go out of town on business and she didn't want to be home alone all week with the baby and so she and my sister conspired to get her on a train and come here and SURPRISE ME AND THE BFF AND IT WAS AWESOME!


I thought my brain was having a seizure. My sister comes home from work everyday, the exact same thing. This day, I turned around to say, "How was work?" and there was MY GIRL AND HER BOY IN THE LIVING ROOM.

We've been nibbling on juicy baby fingers all week. You guys, this baby is made of Cute. Like 90% Cute, 10% Poop. You guys, I can't, hold my ovaries for a second.


So this week, we've been rewatching season two of Justified, yes, already. Apparently some people hadn't seen it and some people needed to watch it without their husbands in the room, cuz that's a whole lotta hotness. Noises needed to be made.

Um, what else? I made hiyacynth watch some "House" while we waited to see if Campbell would go to sleep so she could hit the shower. This conversation happened...

Hiyacynth: Why is House up in everyone's business?
Me: Because he is an asshat.
Hiyacynth: Oh. Is that the allure of the character?
Me: Pretty much.
Hiyacynth: And now we will learn a valuable lesson?
Me: Pretty much.

Also, she totally called the diagnosis, I was very impressed. It was Rabies. It's weird, I've recently become strangely addicted to watching "House". I like it. I would totally marry and divorce Dr. House, yes, I would.

Then I made her watch "Breaking In". Not the new ep though, still haven't seen that one. It was the episode where Mel was aggravated that Dutch was up in her space at work all the time. Then Cam and Cash had the exchange about Goonies and started pranking each other.

Hiyacynth: Okay, I could watch a show about those two dudes being friends, like, all day.
Me: Yes.
Hiyacynth: But, and I know you love Michael Rosenbaum, but that dude,
Me: Oh yeah, he's a total douche. It's the point. You'll love him anyways.

That episode wasn't the best demonstration of why you should love Dutch anyways, but you should. But sadly, this will probably be the last time I ever mention "Breaking In" again...because IN HORRIBLE NEWS - "Breaking In" got canceled. The news article I read actually said that it was doing good in the ratings and that there was no explanation as to why it got canceled. The reporter seemed a little peeved about it. The other shows Fox canceled were purely ratings based. I don't know why this wonderfully fun show has been taken away. I'm starting to think Christian Slater is cursed. Now what will Michael Rosenbaum do? Sit around his house with his pants off and wait for the next season of Mad Men to grace his television set?

Now I away to try to catch up on some shit. I really wanted to have a new story for you all for my birthday - (hobbit tradition states that I am suppose to give gifts on my bday) - but I wouldn't hold my breath on that or anything. Writing is hard, yo.


i am not a loser, house - be my doctor forever, writing blahblahblahing, munchy p is delicious, breaking in - i'll allow it, michael rosenbaum - my monkey of love, my girls, the bff is my bestest best friend, happy-face, justified - with your hat on, biology can bite my ass, fandom is made of awesome, real life, sister oh sister

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