I Will Rake Your Face.

May 08, 2011 22:58

This will be a post of random.

I have been playing "Simpsons Road Rage" a little bit lately. Sometimes Groundskeeper Willie says, "I will rake your face." The first time I heard it, I didn't think he had said rake and I was all, "What kind of a game is this?!" (Simpsons hardcore kink meme anyone?) Also, I am the kind of person who talks to the video game. I swear a lot. When I am doing badly at the game, I tend to say, "I suck monkey butt." I don't know what this means or when I started saying it, but I have said it for years.

So, the other day, I opened my mouth and the words, "I suck like Jensen Ackles," just fell out of my face. Then I couldn't stop laughing. I swear, I haven't even been reading that much fic - (my inability to find time for fic reading is a complaint for another post) - so clearly my brain is just warped from years of NC-17 J2 fic. Sorry, Jensen.

Also, I have been playing "Plants Vs Zombies". That game is so addictive. In fact, I want to be playing right now - it is all my brain can think about. "Type faster so you can go play Plants Vs Zombies." It's sick. And I only have the trial and I beat it twice this weekend - cuz I played for eight freaking hours over the last two days - and I know the full version isn't extremely expensive but I can't spend a single dime until after my vacation in June. (That trip is getting so expensive, it's ridiculous). But I want to buy the full version right now because wtf, I needs it!

On my "Deadwood" viewing...

I am starting to develop a crush on Alma and I really did think that even though Seth was saying he had sent for his wife and son, that he was going to totally get it on with her while the girl was sleeping in the next room. I don't normally cheer for cheating, but I was really hoping they would Do It. Though I am still pissed at Alma for saying she was leaving and agreeing to take Trixie with her and then she didn't leave - I mean, Doc would have let Trixie die but they thought she had a way out and now she'll never get out and doesn't Alma realize that her decisions affect other people?! I also have a feeling Joannie will come to a bad end and omg, is Eddie Sawyer really a child molester or is Cy just being a dick saying that? Greatest exchange so far has been - Cy: Still got those magic hands, Eddie. Practice makes perfect - Eddie: You would know, Cy, since you give such a great handjob. heehee Also, I ship Jane with like everyone - Andy, Doc, Charlie, myself - she has some great exchanges with the preacher too. Also, she was yelling at the doc and Charlie was watching from across the way and smiling at her, cuz she was just cussing and laying into Doc and well, it's just Jane being Jane. She left at the end of my last ep, but I hope to hell she'll come back. Also, Ellsworth has my heart forever. I am always happy to see Johnny on the screen and I'm kind of loving Dan something fierce.

I had things to say about "Supernatural" - about this season and about Castiel's storyline and the ulcer that may have taken residence in my stomach - (I know, it's just a TV show, but I clearly have issues!) - but ugh, if I start talking about it, my thoughts are all over everywhere and I'll have to think about it and then I'll just have to go rock in a corner and it'll be awful. I guess I'm kind of 50/50 in that I don't really care at all and that I care so much I might throw up - is that even possible to be split in those two directions? I've got a couple of weeks - (why am I so excited about watching the Smallville finale when I don't even watch that show? I am though.) - so maybe I'll come back to SPN when I'm less freaking out.

TOMORROW IS THE HAWAII 5-O SPECIAL FANFIC EPISODE OF AWESOMENESS - I AM SO EXCITED. Thank god I have had H5O to look forward to every week this year. I never would have thought when the TV season started that I would get hooked on such ridiculousness. It stole my stupid girly heart.

Also, on The BFF's Sims - Dodger!Sim is dating Jim Kirk and guess what?! We have a baby boy named George now! heehee It makes me happy.

Can I go replay Plants Vs Zombies again now? When is July so I can afford to buy the whole damn game?

deadwood - *unts & *ocksuckers, the bff is my bestest best friend, sims blathering, spn episode talk, castiel - angel of rock, video games are for cool people now, i need a sugardaddy, vacation - all i ever wanted, because i'm sick and twisted like that, my baby's name is michael, jayne cobb - my space husband, hawaii five-o is pretty

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