Glee Is Suppose To Be My HAPPY Show!

Jun 08, 2010 22:27

Supernatural is my show that is suppose to make me cry! Glee is suppose to be my happy show! HAPPY SHOW, I say!

But I started crying when Tina started crying and I couldn't stop. And then I did and then Mr. Schue started crying and then...MY HAPPY SHOW!

And now it's all gone and it's summer and Psych won't be back until the end of July and dammitdammitdammit.

Maybe I'll make a coherent post about the Glee finale later but right now I am just...I'm not suppose to cry over Glee.

Stupid Glee.

stupid things that make me cry, glee is love!, tv show blahblahblahing, glee episode hand clapping

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